原田 禎顕 Yoshiaki Harada 西日本フグ研究会 Nishinihon Society for the Study of Pufferfish Kazurugaoka
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.65, no.6, pp.1054-1061, 1999-11-15
1 1

1994年から97年の間に福岡空港に輸入された中国産養殖フグを調べた。供試した70尾の, 外部形質, 骨学的諸形質を, 天然フグのそれと比較した。臀ひれの色調は, トラフグ及びナメラダマシと大差なかった。胸ひれ後方の大黒紋の後方に1ないし数個の黒斑が一部に認められたが, トラフグ様の不規則黒斑がなく, 額骨縦走隆起線の内湾が強くカラスにも似るが, 頭蓋骨のプロポーション, 腹椎骨数, 臀ひれの色調がカラスとは異なるので, ナメラダマシと同定された。Seventy specimens of the cultured pufferfish Takifugu pseudommus imported from China to Fukuoka Airport between 1994 to 1997 were studied. The external and osteological characters were examined. The colour of the anal fin of the specimens was almost the same as that of T. rubripes and T. pseudommus. Although no irregular black spots similar to T. rubripes were observed on the body in accord with T. pseudommus, in some specimens (ca. 26%), one or a few black spots behind the ocellated humeral blotch were observed in concordance with the specimen ((59) 1099) collected by the author of the scientific name. According to the key to members of genus Takifugu, the specimen is identified as T. pseudommus. On the other hand, judging from the external appearance of the cranium and the degree of incurvation of the longitudinal ridge of the frontal, the specimens seem to be both or either T. pseudommus and T. chinensis. But, because the colour of the anal fin, cranial proportion, and number of abdominal vertebrae (8) were different from those of T. chinensis, the specimen was concluded to be T. pseudommus. In addition, the theory that both T. pseudommus and T. chinensis belong to one and the same species was proved to be incorrect. Furthermore, the pufferfish which had been taken for"Nameradamasi"in recent times in Japan is different from T. pseudommus.


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こんな論文どうですか? 中国から輸入された養殖ナメラダマシ Takifugu pseudommus の分類学的検討(原田 禎顕ほか),1999 https://t.co/4XFILev40e

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