松川 康夫 張 成年 片山 知史 神尾 光一郎 YASUO MATSUKAWA NARITOSHI CHO SATOSHI KATAYAMA KOICHIRO KAMIO (独)水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所 (独)水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所 (独)水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所 (株)東京久栄 National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Fisheries Research Agency National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Fisheries Research Agency National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Fisheries Research Agency Tokyo Kyuei Co. Ltd.
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.74, no.2, pp.137-143, 2008-03-15
8 37

我が国のアサリRuditapes phillipinarumの総漁獲量は,1960年には10万トンであった。その後,一部に漁場の埋め立てによる減少があったにも関わらず,1982年には14万トンまで増加したが,1984年から激減して,1994年にはわずか3分の1程度(5万トン)になり,その後もこの水準が続いている。著者らはアサリの生態や資源に関する報告を総括し,1984年以降のアサリ漁獲量の激減の主要因を過剰な漁業活動,すなわち親貝と種貝用の稚貝に対する過剰漁獲と結論づけた。それ以外にも,周年の過剰操業による底質擾乱は,稚貝の生残率低下を助長した可能性が高いと考えられる。The annual catch of the Manila clam Ruditapes phillipinarum in Japan increased from 100 thousand tonnes in 1960 to 140 thousand tonnes in 1982. This increase occurred despite a local decrease in coastal fishing grounds due to land reclamation and helped to balance overall production. Since 1984, however, the catch has decreased drastically to only 50 thousand tonnes and has remained at this low level. The authors reviewed published reports relevant to the ecology and resources of Manila clam and concluded that the main factor responsible for the drastic decrease in catch is over-fishing. Over-exploitation of the adults and sub-adults significantly affected and damaged reproduction and source-sink relationships among localities. Disturbance of the clam habitat throughout the year by heavy fishing gear may also be responsible for lowering the survival rate of the juveniles.
北上 誠一 村上 由里子 安永 廣作 阿部 洋一 加藤 登 新井 健一 SEIICHI KITAKAMI YURIKO MURAKAMI KOSAKU YASUNAGA YOICHI ABE NOBORU KATO KEN-ICHI ARAI 社団法人全国すり身協会 社団法人全国すり身協会 独立行政法人水産総合研究センター中央水産研究所 カネテツデリカフーズ株式会社 東海大学海洋学部 社団法人全国すり身協会 National Surimi Manufacturers Association National Surimi Manufacturers Association National Research Institute of Fisheries Science Kanetetsu Delica Foods Inc. School of Marine Science and Technology Tokai University National Surimi Manufacturers Association
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.75, no.2, pp.250-257, 2009-03-15
2 3

等級の異なる10種のスケトウダラ冷凍すり身に加水して調製した加熱ゲルの破断強度(BS),破断凹み,及びゲル剛性(Gs)とタンパク質(P)濃度の関係を解析した。そして,(1)BSとGsはP濃度に伴って指数関数的に増大,(2)加水しない加熱ゲルのBSとGsの最大値はすり身の等級が上位の方が高く,(3)BS vs Gsを図示すると,10種のすり身から得た加熱ゲルの両値の間に強い正の相関があった。これらの結果は,そのBSとGsのレベルとP濃度依存性から見積る加熱ゲル形成能が,冷凍すり身の品質要因の一として有用であることを示す。From ten lots of walleye pollack frozen surimis of various grades, the heated gels of different protein concentrations were prepared by adding 0-150% water. Breaking strength (BS), breaking strain (bs), and gel stiffness (Gs=BS/bs) were measured, and the effect of the protein concentration of the heated gel on their physical values was analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) Of all the surimis tested, the BS and Gs of the heated gel increased exponentially with the increase in the protein concentration of the heated gel. (2) The maximum values of BS and Gs of the heated gels formed without addition of water were higher in the order of SA>FA>A>KA>2nd grades of frozen surimi. (3) When BS was plotted against Gs, there was a close, positive correlation among those of the heated gels from the ten lots of frozen surimis of various grades. These results indicated that the heated gel forming ability, as measured by BS and Gs levels of the heated gel and its dependence on the protein concentration, is a useful parameter for judging the quality of walleye pollack frozen surimi.
小倉 芳子 松岡 達郎 川村 軍蔵 川村 軍蔵 Yoshiko Ogura Tatsuro Matsuoka Gunzo Kawamura 鹿児島大学大学院連合農学研究科 鹿児島大学水産学部 鹿児島大学水産学部 鹿児島大学水産学部 The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences Kagoshima University:(Permanent address) Faculty of Fisheries Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.65, no.6, pp.991-997, 1999-11-15
2 2

触刺激に対するζポイント, ζ_tが網地に遭遇した魚の前進行動の継続に与える影響を調べるため, 失明させたコイ, ニジマス, ティラピア, ブルーギルを用いた水槽実験を行った。供試種では, 魚体の長さ方向での接触位置により前進後退行動が入れ替わり, ζ_tポイントの存在を確認できた。ζ_tポイントの位置は種固有で種間で異なる。網地に遭遇した魚の前進継続率は, 目合い, 縮結によって異なり, ζ_tポイントに基づく前進後退行動の分岐モデルに基づいて計算した前進継続確率でよく説明できた。刺網の漁獲過程で網地に遭遇した魚が網目に進入する確率は, ζ_tポイントの位置, 魚体の大きさと形状, 目合いと縮結に影響されると結論した。Two series of glass-tank experiments with blinded fish were conducted to investigate the existence of a ζ-point (a body section over which external stimulation alters forward and back ward motions of fish) against tactile stimulation and its effect in determining the direction of swimming upon contact with a net webbing. Cyprinus carpio, Salmo mykiss, Tilapia mossambica and Lepomis macrochirus were tested. Longitudinally random positions over the bodies of these fish were stimulated using thin sticks and they moved either forward or backward according to the location of the stimulated positions. Cyprinus carpio which encountered net webbing expanded in a tank proceeded into a mesh at different ratios under the conditions of three mesh sizes and three hang-in ratios. Geometrical analysis of contact of a netting twine and a fish body section indicated that the probability of proceeding into an encountered mesh increases with mesh size and is modally maximised at a certain hang-in ratio. It was concluded that, (1) a tactile ζ-point, ζ_t exists at a body section which is unique to each species, and (2) the probability for fish to proceed into a mesh of gillnet is affected by the position of ζ_t, body form and size, mesh size and hang-in ratio.
柳本 卓 北村 徹 TAKASHI YANAGIMOTO TORU KITAMURA 北海道区水産研究所 日本エス・ユー・エス株式会社 Groundjish Biology Section Subarctic Fisheries Resources Division Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute Laboratory of Environmental Biology Japan NUS Co. Ltd.
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.68, no.6, pp.893-899, 2002-11-15
7 4

タラ科3種(スケトウダラ,マダラ,コマイ)の成魚の筋肉から抽出した粗DNAを用いPCR法にて増幅したシトクロームb領域の塩基配列を決定した。塩基配列からDpnII,HaeIII, RsaIおよびTaqIの4種類の制限酵素により,タラ科3種の種判別ができることが明らかになった。また,種特異的なプライマーを設計して,増幅した断片の長さの違いで3種を識別する方法を確立した。これらの手法により,形態的な差異だけでは困難なタラ科仔稚魚の種判別が可能になった。Mitochondrial DNA sequences of the cytochrome b gene (1161bp) were obtained from three gadoid species (Theragra chalcogramma, Gadus macrocephalus, and Eleginus gracilis) near Hokkaido, Japan. Four restriction enzymes (DpnII, HaeIII, RsaI and TaqI) were diagnostic to identify these three species. Species specific internal primers were designed based upon the characteristic nucleotide substitutions in each species, which allowed discrimination among these three species by amplicon size.
一丸 俊雄 水田 浩二 中園 明信 TOSHIO ICHIMARU KOJI MIZUTA AKINOBU NAKAZONO 長崎県総合水産試験場 長崎県総合水産試験場:(現)長崎県五島支庁水産課 九州大学大学院農学研究院 Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries:Fisheries Division of Goto Branch Office of Nagasaki Prefectural Government Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University
日本水産学会誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.72, no.1, pp.21-26, 2006-01-15

1998~2004年の4~8月に長崎県五島列島沖および鹿児島県屋久島沖で採集したホソアオトビHirundichthys oxycephalusの卵を顕微鏡下で観察した。本種の卵は片側に直径20μmの纏絡糸が1本と10μmの纏絡糸が5~7本,その反対側に6μmの纏絡糸を9~14本有しており,H. coromandelensisの卵に似た形状をしている。纏絡糸の径はH. coromandelensisよりホソアオトビの方が細く,これによって2種を区別することが可能と考えられた。卵の出現は鹿児島県では5~7月,長崎県では7~8月であり,水温により産卵期は異なるものと考えられた。Eggs of the mirror-finned flying fish Hirundichthys oxycephalus were collected from the drifts near Goto Islands and Yaku Island, from April to August within the years of 1998 to 2004. To identify species, the eggs were reared and the hatched larvae were observed. The eggs were 1.6-2.0mm in diameter. Three types of filaments were recognized. One was a single filament of 20μm, the others were 5-7 filaments of 10μm, and 9-14 filaments of 6μm. The number of filaments observed in H. oxycephalus was similar to that formerly reported in H. coromandelensis, however, the thinner diameter of H. oxycephalus filaments than that of H. coromandelensis makes it possible to distinguish between the two species. The eggs were collected in Kagoshima from May to July, and in Nagasaki from July to August, and this difference seems to be due to the difference of water temperature between the two localities.
原田 禎顕 Yoshiaki Harada 西日本フグ研究会 Nishinihon Society for the Study of Pufferfish Kazurugaoka
The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
日本水産学会誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries (ISSN:00215392)
vol.65, no.6, pp.1054-1061, 1999-11-15
1 1

1994年から97年の間に福岡空港に輸入された中国産養殖フグを調べた。供試した70尾の, 外部形質, 骨学的諸形質を, 天然フグのそれと比較した。臀ひれの色調は, トラフグ及びナメラダマシと大差なかった。胸ひれ後方の大黒紋の後方に1ないし数個の黒斑が一部に認められたが, トラフグ様の不規則黒斑がなく, 額骨縦走隆起線の内湾が強くカラスにも似るが, 頭蓋骨のプロポーション, 腹椎骨数, 臀ひれの色調がカラスとは異なるので, ナメラダマシと同定された。Seventy specimens of the cultured pufferfish Takifugu pseudommus imported from China to Fukuoka Airport between 1994 to 1997 were studied. The external and osteological characters were examined. The colour of the anal fin of the specimens was almost the same as that of T. rubripes and T. pseudommus. Although no irregular black spots similar to T. rubripes were observed on the body in accord with T. pseudommus, in some specimens (ca. 26%), one or a few black spots behind the ocellated humeral blotch were observed in concordance with the specimen ((59) 1099) collected by the author of the scientific name. According to the key to members of genus Takifugu, the specimen is identified as T. pseudommus. On the other hand, judging from the external appearance of the cranium and the degree of incurvation of the longitudinal ridge of the frontal, the specimens seem to be both or either T. pseudommus and T. chinensis. But, because the colour of the anal fin, cranial proportion, and number of abdominal vertebrae (8) were different from those of T. chinensis, the specimen was concluded to be T. pseudommus. In addition, the theory that both T. pseudommus and T. chinensis belong to one and the same species was proved to be incorrect. Furthermore, the pufferfish which had been taken for"Nameradamasi"in recent times in Japan is different from T. pseudommus.