長尾 慶子 畑江 敬子 島田 淳子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.42, no.6, pp.523-527, 1991-06-15

Potato croquette samples deep-fried in 180℃ oil were prepared after freezing at -20℃ or refrigerating at 5℃. The rupture level of these two kinds of croquette was compared with croquette prepared without cooling. For Croquette sample with the crust of 1 mm thick, the cooling process was effective in controlling the rupture. The cooling process delayed rise in the temperature in the surface layer of croquette during frying. Consequently, rise in the vapor pressure of the surface layer was reduced and the rupture was controlled. For croquette samples with the crust of 2 or 3 mm thick, little effect in controlling the rupture was seen with the refrigerating process. The mechanism of the rupture in refrigerated croquette was the same as the one without cooling. While freezing process was effective in controlling the rupture. However, the mechanism of the rupture seen in croquette of the 2 or 3 mm crust with the freezing process could not been explained by the mechanism of croquette without cooling. Thus, the new mechanism is needed to explain the rupture of croquette with freezing process.


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こんな論文どうですか? コロッケの破裂におよぼす加熱前冷却の影響,1991 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110003167404

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