谷口 彩子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.48, no.11, pp.1011-1019, 1997-11-15

Home Economics is changing drastically. One of the most remarkable ideas which is driving this change is "life-span human development." I feel that the life-span human development is one of the key concepts of new Home Economics. The purpose of this paper is to elucidate a scheme of Home Economics from this standpoint. The Creekmore-Imai model was useful to make a scheme of Home Economics based on the "official definition in 1984" of Home Economics in Japan. I tried to modify the scheme in order to accomodate "life-span," a time factor, and systematize the study items of Home Economics in order to incorporate the developmental tasks of individuals. Furthermore, I clarified the methodology of trans-disciplinarity needs for the integration of various sub-disciplines of Home Economics. While aiming at the systematization described above, I came across some issues that made me feel a need to modify the present categories of Home Economics in the areas of Child Study and Home Management.


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こんな論文どうですか? 生涯発達の観点に立った家政学の体系化(谷口 彩子),1997 https://t.co/q6vyaM7zHt Home Economics is changing dra…

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