今井 範子 中村 久美
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.49, no.6, pp.687-698, 1998-06-15

This study analyzed the changes brought about to consciousness of residents concerning dwelling and other life conditions after the latest Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and we then intend to consider what life style should be. The residents we observed live in apartments owned by the Housing and Urban Development Corporation at five places in Kobe and its adjacent cities, Nishinomiya, Takarazuka and Amagasaki which were all disaster stricken by the earthquake. In this first paper we are to clarify difficult living conditions suffered by the residents just after the earthquake. The results are as follows: People were busily engaged from just after the earthquake in supplying drinking water, food and other daily necessities which had not been stored for emergency use. The most difficult problems was the shortage of life sustaining water. There were also other difficulties such as the inconvenience arising from the stoppage of elevators and feelings of insecurity and stress on the part of the residents dwelling at higher floors of high-rise apartments. It is necessary to consider the solutions for these problems on planning urban high-rise dwelling. Most older couples, older sigle people and families having school-age children took refuge in regional public shelters or stayed at home as they were anxious to keep close to their neighbourhood communities. Most people were provided with drinking water, food and other daily necessities, living space by their relatives and friends. On the whole enough support was not given by government bodies and volunteer groups. It is necessary to try to augment government support and to keep ready an emergency volunteer support system. Neighbourhood community play important role at emergency, providing such support as rescue activities, transportation and distribution of water, delivery of information, etc.


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こんな論文どうですか? 阪神・淡路大震災被災地域の公団住宅における住生活上の諸課題(第1報) : 被災当時における生活困難の実態と支援の状況(今井 範子ほか),1998 https://t.co/yFQa7vINrz
こんな論文どうですか? 阪神・淡路大震災被災地域の公団住宅における住生活上の諸課題(第1報) : 被災当時における生活困難の実態と支援の状況(今井 範子ほか),1998 http://id.CiNii.jp/NSSjL

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