中村 優 堀田 桂子 冨野 和子 原 周司
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.98, no.3, pp.382-385, 1978-03-25

It was found that the total mercury content of human growing hair had a tendency to decrease with the lapse of time. Long hair samples obtained from 252 females and 64 males, which were cut off at their scalp ends, were cut into 5 cm segments. Each segment was washed, dried, weighed, and its total mercury content was measured with a Zeeman-effect mercury analyzer. Distributions of total mercury along length of hair showed various patterns but, generally, the mean values of mercury content of the corresponding segments decreased in the order of scalp ends to the tips of hairs, regardless of sex or age. In order to clarify whether mercury escaped from growing hair with the lapse of time or whether mercury contamination of human body was progressing, which resulted in the increase of mercury content in the hair, hair samples obtained from 4 fixed persons were treated as above and stored, and then new hair samples from the same persons were obtained after the hair grew 5 cm, and the mercury content of the stored and new hair samples was compared. Its results indicated that mercury escaped from the growing hair with the lapse of time. From these facts measurement of the total mercury content in human hair should be carried out with samples cut at the scalp end and of a definite length.


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こんな論文どうですか? 頭髪の伸長に伴う総水銀含有量の減少について(中村 優ほか),1978 http://t.co/3zHqw1BD

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