山下 啓太郎 中川 富博 降旗 隆 竹内 敏文 斉藤 文成 竹内 明弘
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会技術報告 (ISSN:03864227)
vol.15, no.50, pp.1-12, 1991

Hitachi, Matsusita and SONY have proposed the consumer-use VTR format for the 1125line/60Hz Japanese Hi-Vison system, and announced the specifications of this VTR. In these specifications, we adopted a base-band recording method which dose not require any band compression. In making this adoption we took into consideration two typical uses, recording of broadcasted signals and playback of software tapes. And the width (1/2inch) and the thickness(13um) of the tape enable 3 hours recording with almost the same size cassette as is being by consumers at present.


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実現しなかった方の民生用HDTV VTRについての論文。 W-VHSよりも高い実効性能を狙っていそうな方式ですね。 CiNii 論文 -  民生用ハイビジョンVTR 仕様 https://t.co/9PXLxv8NBX #CiNii

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