東口 豊
美學 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.49, no.2, pp.12-23, 1998-09-30

Adorno criticizes the "identifying thought" because it reduces things to abstract universal concepts, and attempts to deliver "the nonidentical" that cannot be captured by those concepts. For that purpose, Adorno introduces the "negative dialectics" in which the negation of negation retains its negativity by means of "definite negation", and strives to overcome defects of philosophical concepts through the idea of their "constellation". The nonidentical is, Adorno claims, "the thing's own identity against its identifications". And he also thinks that art, which is accoding to him a "refuge for mimesis", must be made according not to the ideal of the artist but to its own law. He, therefore, maintains that art that "follows identity with itself" "makes itself equal to the nonidentical", and that mimesis means the comportment of becom ing conscious of the nonidentical. This mimetic moment is "indelible" from all perception and human practice. Art and philosophy cooperate in this moment for the aquirement of truth that is for Adorno the affinity between diversities. Truth is, therefore, the utopia of which realization can never be described. Adorno promises it in the form of semblance.


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