堀江 正弘
研究技術計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.17, no.3, pp.107-113, 2004-07-10

Reforms in government agencies, including creation of the Cabinet Office and reorganizations in agencies, the Information Disclosure Law, and introduction of the all-government policy evaluation system, all realized in 2001, have a potential impact on the administration of Japan. The all-government policy evaluation system was prepared on the basis of the final report of the Administration Reform Council, and implemented in January 2001. Standard guidelines for the system were established, and the general framework of the system provided by the guidelines was translated into the Policy Evaluation Law. The guidelines define the purpose, concept and scope of evaluation; bodies executing evaluation ; timing of evaluation ; necessity, efficiency, effectiveness, equality and priority as the evaluation criteria ; and project, output and general evaluation as the evaluation approaches. The guidelines also require the government agencies, including the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications, to make their policies reflect evaluation results, publish evaluation results, and establish practical guidelines for implementation of policy evaluation. The Policy Evaluation Law also stipulates establishment of a basic policy of the Government on policy evaluation, master plans and annual schedules for agencies. The effectiveness of the system depends on appropriate implementation of policy evaluation and proper use of its results. This will be realized more easily by adopting generally accepted evaluation methods and improving them gradually, rather than by imposing uniformly a sophisticated and exacting method.


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