加世田 雄時朗 野村 晋一
日本獸醫學雜誌 (ISSN:00215295)
vol.35, no.4, pp.335-342, 1973-08-25
1 1

From a mec.hanical point of view, tlte swimming movement of fish was studied claieflyby electromyograph. Investigation was also carried out on the function of the segmentalarrangement of the body muscle which is found in fish and other lowest vertebrate.A carp was restrained to a fish holder in the water-tank. Then tactile stimulationwas given to the whole body of the fish, from head to tail. Reflex movements were evokedby stimulation.(l) The stimulation to a selected point on the operculurm produced a body bendingreflex toward the contralateral side of the stimulation.(2) Tl?e stimulation to the base of the dorsal fin evoked a body bending reflex to-ward the same side of the stimulation.These reflex movements were analyzed by cinematography and electromyography.The muscles observed by electromyography were M. carinatus dorsalis, M. latero-dorsalis,M. latero-ventralis, and M. carinatus ventralis. Results from the electromyographicalrecords are summarized as follows.(I) When the operculum was stimulated, the largest burst was observed at Id 6of M. Iatero-dorsalis and lv 6 of M. latero-ventralis.(2) When the base of the dorsal fin was stimulated, the largest burst was observedat ld 4 of M. latero-dorsalis.The results of analysis of those reflex movements by cinematograplay and electromyo-graphy are summarized as follows.(l) The reflex movement which was evoked by the stimulation to the operculumwas the initial motion of backward swimming nTovement.(2) The reflex movement evoked by the stimulation to the base of the dorsal finwas the initial motion of forward swimming movement.(3) The independence of the activities and function of each myomere of the bodymuscle was an essential factor of the swimming movement of fish.


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こんな論文どうですか? 筋電図におけるコイの遊泳運動の研究 : I. 躯幹の運動(加世田 雄時朗ほか),1973 https://t.co/ruKm4GD7jN

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