白井 秀和
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.412, pp.143-152, 1990-06-30

One often confounds two Blondel, that is to say, Nicolas-Francois Blondel in the 17th century and Jacques-Francois Blondel in the 18th century. Particularly in Japan, it seems that this confusion is conspicuous, and by mistake one talks about their relatives in blood and law. This report aims at elucidating all of the life of the latter Blondel, who was one of the most prominent architectural theorists in the 18th century. I publish it as the introduction to the profound analysis of his architectural theory. Here, I describe in detail the contents concerning the Ecole des Arts of Blondel, his contribution to the Encyclopedic, his role as professor in the Academic royale d'Architecture, his projects, his executions, etc.


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