白井 秀和
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
vol.333, pp.137-143, 1983-11-30 (Released:2017-08-22)

Le terme de bienseance employe en tant que traduction en francais de decor de Vitruve a deja ete un des principes celebres dans les theories theatrales au 17^e siecle en France. Ce concept qu'on peut appeler la loi habituelle en architecture est le reflet de la societe de la cour en France, et on pourrait dire que la parfaite correspondance entre la structure des maisons particulieres et celle de la societe de la cour, que ce concept exprime bien, est une des empreintes du classicisme francais. Des la premiere moitie du 18^e siecle, au lieu de terme de bienseance, celui de convenance est paru. C'est-adire, ces deux mots qui doivent exprimer a peu pres le meme concept issu du ancien terme decor ou decorum, etaient bien employes a l'age classique. D'abord, a l'epoque de Louis XIV, on se servait du mot de bienseance generalement, et des le commencement du 18^e siecle, graduellement, le mot de convenance en etait venu a etre employe preferablement. Historiquement, J.-L. de Cordemoy et M.-A. Laugier ont traite de la bienseance en architecture ou a l'art de batir. Parallerement a eux, M. de Fremin et J.-F. Blondel ont traite de la convenance en architecture. Surtout, Blondel a expose beaucoup de traites sur la convenance dans ses nombreux ouvrages. Ainsi, ces deux concepts sont conduits a la theorie de caractere, qui etait l'element tres important chez les theoriciens dans la seconde moitie du 18^e siecle. Enfin, la bienseance et la convenance sont les signes de la societe de la cour en France, c'est-a-dire, l'esprit francais a l'age classique.
劉 培建 趙 王愛 白井 秀和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.650, pp.963-968, 2010

The aim of this paper is to examine Viollet-le-Duc's architectural ideology through the analysis of his thought on <i>Rose</i>. In his <i>Dictionnaire raisonn&eacute; de l'architecture fran&ccedil;aise du XI<sup>e</sup> au XVI<sup>e</sup> si&egrave;cle</i>, the doctrine of structural rationalism was invoked through his conviction that Gothic architecture was a rational affair of constructive logic. As well as the Gothic architecture, the rose window in the stone structure has its rationality and economy. In the entry <i>Rose</i>, Viollet-le-Duc viewed three ideas such as construction, composition and decoration, which played the very important roles in the progress of rose window in order to gratify the natural desire. Meanwhile, the functions of rose window are not limited in providing light, reducing construction, giving added solidity and withstanding wind pressure, but it has its movement based on the special system. Therefore, <i>Rose</i> is a work based on the system with its own reasons.
市川 秀和 白井 秀和 ICHIKAWA Hidekazu SHIRAI Hidekazu
福井大学工学部研究報告 (ISSN:04298373)
vol.45, no.1, pp.101-115, 1997-03

Claude-Nicolas Ledoux (1736 --1806) is one of the visionary architects in the18th century France. Recently, the studies on the architect Ledoux are progressing inside and outside the ccountry. Accordingly,the Ledoux's whole figure is making itself clear gradually. In this paper,we chiefly describe the details about the Ledoux's project "a triumphal arch in Kassel". We publish it as introduction to minute research into one of the most impotant architects in the age of French Revoltion, and more profound investigation of the transformation in architectural thought between France and Germany.
白井 秀和
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.412, pp.143-152, 1990-06-30

One often confounds two Blondel, that is to say, Nicolas-Francois Blondel in the 17th century and Jacques-Francois Blondel in the 18th century. Particularly in Japan, it seems that this confusion is conspicuous, and by mistake one talks about their relatives in blood and law. This report aims at elucidating all of the life of the latter Blondel, who was one of the most prominent architectural theorists in the 18th century. I publish it as the introduction to the profound analysis of his architectural theory. Here, I describe in detail the contents concerning the Ecole des Arts of Blondel, his contribution to the Encyclopedic, his role as professor in the Academic royale d'Architecture, his projects, his executions, etc.
白井 秀和
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.414, pp.p109-116, 1990-08

The object of this paper is to make clear the notion of Beauty in Architecture, through the analytic manifestation of the article "Beau" in "Encyclopedie methodique. Architecture" of A.-C. Quatremere de Quincy, who was one of the most important French architectural theorists in the late 18th century. Firstly, I treat of the problem of the disapperance of the article "Beau" in the second edition of "Encyclopedie", that is to say, "Dictionnaire historique d'architecture". Secondly, I discuss Quatremere de Quincy's manner to research the notion of Beauty. Thirdly, I explain the reason why Quatremere de Quincy emphasizes the particular character that Architecture has among the imitative Arts. In conclusion, I elucidate Quatremere de Quincy's assertion that, in order to analyze the notion of Beauty in Architecture, one must examine the qualities which constitute this Beauty and the faculties of the human soul concerning them.