真嶋 正己
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.9, pp.85-97, 2003-12-24

The American Affairs was one of the political subjects in which Edmund Burke(1729-97) got deeply involved as a member of the House of Commons. In this paper,I take up his speeches and writing (Observations on a Late State of the Nation) during the Townshend Acts crisis in order to comprehend his assertion and its meaning in an actual political context. We notice from his arguments that Burke's criticism of the Townshend Acts was moderate upon the whole,and that he repeatedly laid great emphasis upon the meaningful fact that the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766. Admitting that his stance was partly influenced by the poltitical situation over American colonies and the political environment in which he was placed,we can conclude as follows: That Burke denounced the Townshend Acts by his redefining the meaning behind the fact that the Stamp Act was repealed,and furthermore he intended to reestablish the relations between Great Britain and American colonies on the basis of 'artficial commerce'.


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