今中 鏡子 加藤 集子 川野 純子 田方 真由美 畠山 敏慧
広島文化短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13483587)
vol.39, pp.7-25, 2006-08-07

M施設から「五升炊きガス炊飯器でおいしいご飯が炊けないので,調べて欲しい」という相談をを契機として次の三つの差について実験を行った.加熱過程の差による炊飯米組織形態の比較,品種の差による炊飯米組織形態の比較,釜の差および炊飯量の差による炊飯米組織形態の比較である.(1)実験1 加熱過程の差による炊飯米組織形態の比較では,(1)適正加熱過程(2)早い沸騰加熱過程(3)沸騰遅れ加熱過程(4)早い沸騰熱不足について観察した.その観察結果とM施設炊飯米組織(図3-a)とを照合すると「早い沸騰熱不足」の組織(図3-e)と類似した.M施設の炊飯器は1時間かかって炊きあがるが,実際は浸漬を兼ね低い温度から徐々に加温,その後急激に加熱して4〜7分の間に沸騰し,余熱が無いため98℃以上の適温が保てず温度が下がり,おいしいご飯は炊けない.この組織は膨潤しきれない多角形のデンプン粒(S)や間隙が多い芯状の形態が観察された.(2)実験2 品種の差による炊飯米組織形態の比較では,釜内部をガーゼで仕切り,次の四品種の米を同時炊飯し,実験1と同様に適正加熱過程,早い沸騰加熱過程,沸騰遅れ加熱過程について観察した.試料は(1)新潟県産コシヒカリ(2)岩手県産ひとめぼれ(3)岩手県産あきたこまち(4)広島県産中生新千本(なかてしんせんぼん).1)四品種の比較 比較しやすいので,やや早い加熱後7分沸騰98℃以上20分間経を過した炊飯米組織を900倍で観察した.コシヒカリの細胞内に手まり状のデンプングループ(SG)があり,この中に膨潤したデンプン粒(S)がある.大きなものでは直径8μm前後であるが(図8-a),加熱前の米デンプンでは2〜5μmと小さい.コシヒカリのデンプン粒は,多角形でありデンプン粒と粒との間隙がグループの周辺部まで鮮明であった.ひとめぼれの組織は,コシヒカリに最も似た形態を持っていた(図8-b).あきたこまちは,ややコシヒカリに似ているが,グループ周辺部のデンプンは境界の鮮明さを欠いていた(図8-c).中生新千本はデンプン粒はコシヒカリのように,はっきりした多角形ではなく,グループ周辺部のデンプン粒は密着して観察された(図8-d).同じ釜内部で同じ温度過程を経たにもかかわらず特にデンプン粒に形態の差が見られた.2)コシヒカリの澱粉粒配列コシヒカリでは,グループ内のデンプン粒が直線的に並び二段三段と重なり,あたかも石垣のように見える部分が多い(図3-c,図8-a,図9-a,c,e,図13-a,b,c,f,図,図14-b,c,e).他の品種では,グループの中心から弧または円を描くような粒の配列が観察され,直線的な配列があっても二段三段と重なる構造はみられない.3)単粒の可能性 図12の米デンプンの偏光顕微鏡像は,川上による「形成中心を中心とした黒い十字が認められる」ことや図8-a,図13-bコシヒカリのデンプン粒と粒との鮮明な間隙が,米デンプン粒を覆う膜または隔壁の存在を示唆し,単粒である可能性を示している.一方米デンプンはグループ単位で形成され,これを複粒と言えば複粒であり,残された課題である.4)加熱過程と炊飯米組織形態との関係一覧今回の観察結果をまとめると表1のようになる.炊飯加熱過程ごとに細胞壁,デンプングループ,デンプン粒,加熱が進むと現れる動向性,沸騰が遅れると大量に生じるねばについて整理した.炊飯米の組織形態は部分によって様々な形態があり個体差もある.すなわち本実験結果として掲載した図(写真)はその平均的な部分を選んでいるが,米粒中心部分の写真を得れば表1から炊飯過程の推察はほぼ可能である.また熱による組織形態変化の速度が米により微妙に異なるので,厳密な表を完成するにはさらに品種別の観察が必要である.例えば適正加熱過程コシヒカリ図9-cに動向性は見られないが,図9-dの中生新千本ではところどころに出現しているなど中生新千本の方が熱の影響を早く受けやすい.(3)実験3 炊飯量および釜の差による炊飯米組織 形態の比較 1)適正炊飯過程による各種炊飯組織形態の類似釜の種類や少量大量の炊飯量にかかわらず適正加熱した場合であれば,米粒の組織形態は類似しているのではないかと予測し,(1)家庭用R社五合炊きガス炊飯器により米420gを適正加熱した米粒(図13-a,b)(2)病院給食A社縦型炊飯器内釜で米3kgを適正加熱した米粒(図13-c)(3)工場給食ライスボイラーで大量の米28〜40kgを適正加熱した米粒(図13-e)(4)市販の適正加熱された包装米飯Sb社280g入り米飯を表示通り高周波出力500W電子レンジ3分加熱した米粒(図13-f)(5)冷凍保存米「実験3(1)420gを適正加熱」した試料の一部200gを冷凍保存後(6)電子レンジで高周波出力600W4分間解凍し内部温度80℃になった米粒を観察した.いずれの場合も適正加熱過程を経過しているので,米粒組織は崩壊が少なく,規則性のある好ましい状態の組織形態を維持していた.2)その他の米(1)適正炊飯米蒸らし過ぎ(図13-d)の組織(2)塩飯(3)バターライス(4)粥などの組織形態を観察した.(4)炊飯に必要な必須条件と沸騰時間の範囲 炊飯過程で最も重安な必須条件は「米デンプンの糊化に必要な沸騰後98℃以上蒸らしを含めた20分間の熱量」であり,次に大切な条件は「適正な沸騰時間の範囲」である.1970年代から組織学的に追求してきた局限は,この範囲を求める実験でもあった.今回早い沸騰熱不足を加えて沸騰時間の差,四品種の差,炊飯量の差の実験を通して加熱後8〜15分の沸騰が安全な範囲であることを再確認した.この間の組織はいずれも規則性を保ち細胞やデンプングループの崩壊が少なくデンプン粒は良く膨潤していた.反対に沸騰時間の範囲や米デンプン糊化の時間をおろそかにすると芯の組織が残ったり,デンプングループが崩壊するなど良い状態は得られない.適正な沸騰範囲であっても11分を過ぎる頃から,部分的に動向性が現れるなど微妙な変化が起こり,ご飯の味や食感などに影響する.米デンプン糊化の必須条件を満たす釜であれば,加熱始めの水温を加減することで,主体的に適正範囲で沸騰時間を選び,好みのご飯を得ることができる.以上のことは家庭の炊飯,病院や工場給食の大量炊飯さらに市販の包装米飯の炊飯など,大量少量にかかわらず共通した過程であり「一粒一粒の米が良く炊き上がるために受ける加熱条件」として大切にしたい基本である.本研究にあたり,長年にわたって,食品形態観察のご指導をいただきました理学・医学博士川上いつゑ先生,当時プレパラート作成についてお力添えいただきました田村咲江先生,故和泉公美子先生,また当初から長年にわたり試料と情報をご提供くださいました橋本萬亀雄様,および試料提供と専門的なご助言をくださいました食協株式会社井尻哲様,恵南悦明様,さらに炊飯米試料を提供くださいました穐山宏子様,工場の炊飯実験に熱心にご協力くださいました当時の国鉄広島工場の皆様,その実験過程を克明に記録された頼實由紀子様に心より深く感謝申し上げます.
菅原 通雅 今林 宏典 野々村 憲
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.6, pp.63-80, 2000-12-26

In this paper,we consider and discuss to technical terms,"force" as resource of the enterprise and "intimation" in individuality and organization. An ''individual" viewpoint becomes more and more important,and in relation to individual ''force" is more requested. On the other hand,the ideal way of organization which accepts individuals is also needed. Therefore,we think that we should create ''holon" between organization and individuali ty. For the purpose,we should structure the process by which individual ''force" is converted into organizational knowledge. As a result, we present an organization man,who creates and organizes a knowledge creation was shown in this paper.
古屋敷 明美 平岡 正史 佐々木 秀美 紀 成子 武井 功子 長吉 孝子 山下 典子 河野 寿美代 金子 道子 森川 晴美 山崎 弘子
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.5, no.2, pp.42-53, 2004-03-27

後藤 信
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.6, pp.185-205, 2000-12-26

With the fall of Old Japan in 1945,Japanese National Holidays derived from the country's long traditon and history were either replaced or abolished completely. The occupying force,the USA,compelled Japan to change the names of these holidays,which meant that Japan,under the persistent pressure of the USA's absolute policy,had to be subservient to the Uncle Sam's patronizing advice of cultural transformation to make a new start as a demilitarized,peaceoriented country. These demands included not only the rewriting of the National Constitution but also of the history of Japan,especially the pre-historic period in which abundant ethnic myths have represented national identity as that of an agricultural tribe. Although in reality it seems hard for us to expel the still-occupying foreign military forces from the air base of our country,we would at least like to regain the cultural independence that we have enjoyed in our long history. By reexamining the character of national holidays in the past,we can,ironically,perceive a culture analogous to ours in the West before their coming into Christendom. In pagan days,people all over the world worshipped the order of nature. Traditions such as adoring trees and woods and the preservation of what they had in the past have helped to keep human being from destroying their environment. To know our past is to foretell our future. I hope my small study in this report will contribute in some way to the social-environmental studies of Kure University.
山下 由美子 赤田 望
広島文化短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13483587)
vol.37, pp.15-22, 2004-08-05

高木 直人
呉大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:13441353)
vol.6, pp.23-31, 2002-07-22

As for the human problem in the industry of Elton Mayo, it was examined that it had already been formed in the Australian age in this paper. And, Elton Mayo was known with the position of the psvchiatrist worldwide in the Australian age. Elton Mayo uses the theory of Pierre Janet and the theory of Emile Durkheim as the way of analyzing a human problem in the society. The understanding of more specialized field of psychology and the sociology is necessary to understand a human problem in the industry of Mayo really and to analyze the investigation research done in his America more.
津田 右子
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.3, no.1, pp.8-26, 2001-09

日本の近代的な看護教育は,ナイチンゲールによって発展させられた一つの専門職として職業化された近代看護が日本に導入され,いわゆるTrained Nurse(正式な看護婦)としての誕生をみた時を出発点としている。これは西洋看護教育(ナイチンゲール方式)の導入と言うことも出来る。そして,草創期とは,このような看護婦養成が開始された明治18年を基点に,主に明治20年代をさしている。ここでは,1.有志共立東京病院看護婦教育所,2.京都看病婦学校,3.桜井女学校付属看護婦養成所,4.帝国大学付属看病法練習科,5.日本赤十字社看護婦養成所,6.聖路加病院附属高等看護婦養成所の6校を対象にとりあげ、近代看護教育の草創期に関わった人々の資料や当時の卒業生の声を集めて,その教育観をまとめた。(英文抄録:Modern training of nurses in Japan commences with the appearance of the qualified nurse following the introduction of modern nursing as a profession along the lines developed by Florence Nightingale. This may be characterised as the introducion of Western-style nurses' training by the Nightingale method. The pioneering days of nursing in Japan thus begin in 1885 and continue throughout most of the last decade of the nineteenth century. The present paper concentrates on six schools, namely Yushi Kyoritsu Tokyo Byoin Kangofu Kyoikusho [Yushi Kyoritsu Tokyo Hospital Nurses' Training Institute], Kyoto Kangofu Gakko [Kyoto Nurses' School], Sakurai Jogakko Kangofu Yoseisho [Sakurai Girls' School Nurses' Training Institute], Teikoku Daigaku Fuzoku Kanbyoko Renshuka [Imperial University Nursing Practice Department], Nihon Sekijujisha Kangofu Yoseisho [Japan Red Cross Nurses' Training Institute] and Sei Ruka Byoin Koto Kangofu Yoseisho [St Luke's Hospital Higher Nurses' Training Institute]. It sifts through materials on the people who contributed to the pioneering days of modern nurses' training in Japan and listens to the voices of the young women who were trained in these schools in an attempt to build up a picture of the educational philosophy of the age.)
畠山 敏慧 斉藤 千鶴子
呉女子短期大学紀要 (ISSN:09135804)
vol.6, pp.59-76, 1992-03-31

In order to grasp a living style toward the 21st Century, and in the hope to obtain some idea of the subject, a consciousness survey for the health and eating habits was made on women's junior college students and their parents. Present and future images of students and their parents were compared and studied, and active behavior toward aging society by each group was considered. 1)On three elements (sports・recreation・nutrition) of health maintaining, while women take a serious view on nutrition and men on recreation, both of them are less conscious on sports. In the future, both students and parents wish to utilize social facilities where they can participate in health maintaining lectures as well as health foods arranged there can be foretasted. Gourmet directed people like more Japanese-style foods and eating habits tend to like more plain foods as they become older. 2) Students are tired with so-called "albeit" and will not dare play sports while they like musicart appreciation are very fond of just napping. Although they have enough knowledge of nutrition, their nutrition balance apt to be losed. They wish to keep well-regulated lives in the future. 3) Fathers work very hard with their businesses and playing golf, and try to walk well. They enjoy napping and family circle on holidays while they try to refrain from salt. Their wishes in the future include jogging, go, shogi and sitting in a happy family circle. 4) While mothers always are busy with miscellaneous affairs, they like napping and are conscious with salt, calories and sugar. In the future, they wish to challenge for swimming, jogging and even playing golf. Further, they are aiming to have more fun, by looking out of their housework, such as hiking, music and art appreciation etc. In the summary, fathers of 40s and 50s are recommended not to work too hard and to try to have more spare time for dynamic light exercises and rest, and to follow their wives' lead for eating habits. After 50s, it seems both men and women tend to like to have reverse experiences with young ages, and their life styles tend to change inwardly for men and outwardly for women. It is desirable a couple to try to enjoy the same interest and realize common pleasure. And for young generation like women's junior college students, it is desirable to correct the irregular life styles, and especially on eating habits it is strongly recommended to reconfirm the correct knowledge of them as well as to execute them as to become the leader of their family in the future.
村上 温子 田中 美貴 今井 裕子
広島文化短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13483587)
vol.36, pp.31-37, 2003-07-31

At the request of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan during their 32nd summer seminar in Onomichi City, we organized the fashion show. The fashion show emphasized the use of denim fabrics made in Hiroshima Prefecture and pile fabrics made in Ehime prefecture. (September 5, 2001) 1. Since there was no time allowed for planning for the fashion show in the fashion course curriculum for enrollees in the year 2000, the teachers selected the materials to be used and decided on the theme 'Simple Modern Ethnic - Relaxation in City' for the fashion show. 2. As an assignment in apparel manufacturing, a lesson plan was developed in order to master the process from design to finish work under the agreed upon condition that the materials to be used are limited. 3. From the teachers' viewpoint, the image that the students cherished regarding the theme at the planning stage had a weak feeling in respect to relaxation, but had a powerful feeling relating to leisure wear. Since we had a new understanding that the younger generation sees relaxation as a situation in which body and mind are relaxed by actively enjoying something, we changed the subtitle of the show to 'Happy relaxation in City.' 4. Even though the rehearsals on summer holidays and the early morning activity on the day of the show were a difficult workload for them, the students fulfilled their roles in an orderly manor. We realized that the educational effect that this chance for presentation of their work would have to help heighten their desire to continue on in manufacturing. 5. Mr. Yuzuru Masuda, a guest speaker at this seminar from the Production and Industry Bureau of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, suggested that manufacturing should get a higher evaluation. 6. In order to develop the educational effect pointed out in number 4 above from individual creativity into team creativity, we added fashion creation, promotion planning and make-up drills to the curriculum.この論文は国立情報学研究所の電子図書館事業により電子化されました。
古川 博仁
呉大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:13441353)
vol.6, pp.1-21, 2002-07-22

The purposes of this paper are (1) to develop the probability theory with the measure one. (2) to derive the stochastic differential equation from the martingale decomposition (Doob-Mayer theorem) and to define the it's strong and weak solutions. (3) to compute the path line of a fluid particle which is a strong solution of the stochastic diffrential eguation. In this paper, I gave up the plan of the purpose (4) which was to derive the dominant equations of the flow fields from the nonequilibrium statistical physics because of lack of space. The results of the numerical simulation were represented as the sumple path of a fluid particle in the turburent boundary layer on the plane. 0n the occasion of the numerical simulation, I set up two assumptions, i. e., (1) the fluid particle has the fluctuation on every position. (2) the velocity field are computed in advance. I think the true or false of this numerical computation will be clear by the fluctuation dissipation principle in the near future.
小笠原 真也
広島文化短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13483587)
vol.40, pp.47-59, 2007-10

松井 英俊
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.5, no.2, pp.66-73, 2004-03-27

本研究では,医師や看護師が"インフォームド・コンセント" (Informed Consent)という言葉を患者・家族に使う際に,その言葉のもつ歴史的経緯や裁判で取り上げられた判決事例などから検討した。ICの誕生は1957年とされている。これは,歴史家のマーティン・S・パーニックと心理学者のジェイ・カッツがICの根拠について歴史的な証拠について述べてあることが,R.フェイドンとT.ビーチャムの「インフォームド・コンセント」という論文(R.フェイドン・T.ビーチャム,酒井忠昭 秦洋一訳:『インフォームド・コンセント-患者の選択-』みすず書房)によって明らかにされた。それらの歴史的経緯のなかから治療に関する患者の同意や患者の権利により,患者の自己決定に対しての医師や看護師のインフォームド・コンセントの充実をはかることが重要であること。それにより,患者-医療従事者関係を良くしていくことにつながり,患者が主体となった患者中心の医療に発展していくということが示唆された。
遠矢 福子 山本 明弘 橋本 明
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.1, no.1, pp.11-23, 1999-09-25

ルーカス M.
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.3, pp.159-173, 1997-11-29

This paper presents an account of the portra al of God in the Old Testament book of Job,together with a summary of Jung's application of his psychoanalytic theories to this text contained in his Answer to Job. I give my own tentative evaluation of Jung's efforts to resolve the paradox of the problem of evil. Part One I outline the dramatic roles of God and Satan in the bool of Job,and show that God is regarded as the author of evil as well as good throughout the Old Testament. I emphasize the importance of understanding Job as a literary text,particularly,appreciating its satirical and ironic elements. Both Jung and Job challenge conventional images of God,whereas Jung's critics and Job's comforters play the role of apologist. I end the section with a brief formulation of the paradoxical nature of the problem of evil. Part Two I present Jung's arguments in Answer to Job,in which he contrasts the ambivalent and paradoxical God of the Old Testament with the wholly good God of the New Testament. I examine Jung's suggestion that recognition of the shadow side of God is necessary if the symbol is to reflect psychological balance. I compare Jung's approach to this question with that of his disciple von Franz in her study of moral structures in fairytales. Both Jung and von Franz recognise the complex and paradoxical features of both good and evil. I end by identifying an inconsistency in Jung's claim that the co-existence of love and fear is a further dimension of this paradox,by showing how New Testament passages offer a resolution.
梅津 顕一郎 炭谷 晃男 守弘 仁志
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.1, pp.161-177, 1995-12-22

This paper is an empirical study of young people's communicative behaviour. So far,we have summarized and criticized many studies of youth culture. In Japan,many sociologists and commentators insist on the importance of categonzing young people as "Joho-Shinjinrui (the new breed of the information age)". They have tried to show that young people have only one communication pattern. They emphasize that the media literacy of all young people is very high,and their personal communication style has a strong influence on their high media-literacy. However,there is no demonstration or empirical analysis which confirms the truth of their argument. In this study,we have tried to describe the real style of young people's communicative behaviour by empirical research. Our main concern is the relation between their personal communication style and media use. We investigated their personal communication style and many styles of media use -singing "Karaoke",using the telephone,watching TV,playing computer games,and so on. As a result,we can show that young people have many communication patterns. Also,we can suggest that regarding personal communication style,the influence of their media use is very small : if anything,there are more cases of their personal communication style having an influence on their media use.
竹中 和子 藤田 アヤ 尾前 優子
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.5, no.2, pp.24-30, 2004-03-27

真嶋 正己
社会情報学研究 : 呉大学社会情報学部紀要 (ISSN:13418459)
vol.9, pp.85-97, 2003-12-24

The American Affairs was one of the political subjects in which Edmund Burke(1729-97) got deeply involved as a member of the House of Commons. In this paper,I take up his speeches and writing (Observations on a Late State of the Nation) during the Townshend Acts crisis in order to comprehend his assertion and its meaning in an actual political context. We notice from his arguments that Burke's criticism of the Townshend Acts was moderate upon the whole,and that he repeatedly laid great emphasis upon the meaningful fact that the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766. Admitting that his stance was partly influenced by the poltitical situation over American colonies and the political environment in which he was placed,we can conclude as follows: That Burke denounced the Townshend Acts by his redefining the meaning behind the fact that the Stamp Act was repealed,and furthermore he intended to reestablish the relations between Great Britain and American colonies on the basis of 'artficial commerce'.
中村 美保子 三木 喜美子
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.5, no.1, pp.51-58, 2003-12-25

本稿では終末期における患者I氏のクォリティ・オブ・ライフとその看護について「QOLに影響する要因:因果モデル」を使用し 1)物理的環境 2)社会的相互作用 3)身体的健康状態 4)精神的健康状態 5)性格と経歴の5つの要因から考察した。結果,1.QOLは様々な構成要素からなり,ひとつのニーズに対しても全体的なQOLとして,トータル的に患者をみていかなければならない。2.QOLは様々な構成要素が関連しており,ひとつの要因がすべてに関連する。3.個人の生育歴や社会的背景により個々に違い様々である。そのため,QOLの評価の際には個別的に考える事が重要である。4.「その人にとっての幸福感」を視点にもつことが最も重要である。5.幸福感は患者・家族にとり,主観的なものであるが,QOLを高めるケアを提供する看護は,幸福感や価値観をどこにおくか,看護者の価値観で患者をみていないか,患者・家族を客観的に評価し考えていかなければならないことが明らかになった。
中島 優子
看護学統合研究 (ISSN:13460692)
vol.1, no.1, pp.80-84, 1999-09-25
