井戸川 純子 小野 英哲
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.63, no.513, pp.43-50, 1998
4 3

The purpose of this study is to establish the evaluation method of safety of building elements and members from the viewpoint of slipperiness with hands that is important to ensure the safety of persons especially for aged and physically handicapped persons. In this paper, we presents the measurement method of slipperiness of handrails and grab bars, as a first step of this study. First, we carried out sensory tests, and human sense of slipperiness of handrails and grab bars were scaled under various conditions. Next, we developed the slip meter of handrails and grab bars, that could measure the slip resistance of handrails and grab bars, corresponded to sensory scales. As a result, we presented the measurement method of slipperiness of handrails and grab bars.


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CiNii - 千摺のすべり感覚尺度の構成およびすべり試験機の設計・試作 : 手のすべりからみた建築部位・部材の安全性の評価方法に関する研究(その1) http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004090718/ うおwww

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