桑村 仁 松本 由香 武谷 政國
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.62, no.494, pp.129-136, 1997
5 4

It has been pointed out in this decade that the currently used thick cold-formed box-section columns in building frames may fail in the mode of brittle fracture instead of local buckling, and that their ductility preceding brittle fracture may not be enough to resist a severe earthquake. In order to solve this problem, hot-rolled box-columns have been recently developed, in that the forming is done at high temperature to avoid cold working. In this study, the ultimate behaviors of the box-columns having through diaphragms, which is the current practice in building steel construction, were experimentally investigated. It was found that the newly developed hot-rolled box-columns exhibit much higher ductility than the conventional cold-rolled box-columns when the ultimate state is governed by brittle fracture as well as by local buckling.


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RT @route127 : コラム材の脆性破壊における熱間加工と冷間加工の比較 厚肉曲げ  http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004303372
コラム材の脆性破壊における熱間加工と冷間加工の比較 厚肉曲げ http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004303372

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