古泉 直也
新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.109, no.7, pp.320-324, 1995-07

High resolution CT (HRCT) images in 25 patients with pulmonary adenocarcinoma were compared with the histological structure of the resected specimen with paticular emphasis on growth pattern and interstitial change. The HRCT images were classified into twelve types of domains from two points of view ; density (L:homogeneously low, U:unhomogeneous, H:homogeneously high), and marginal pattern (s:smooth, i:irregular, c:coarsely spiculated, f:finely spiculated), which resulted in Ls:1, Li:9, Us:1, Ui:2, Uc:1, Uf:6, Hs:5, Hi:8, Hc:6, Hf:7. Ls and Li corresponded to bronchioloalveolar type of well-differentiated adenocarcinoma with mild interstitial change. Hc domain showed severe interstitial changes which might suggest poor prognosis.


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こんな論文どうですか? 2)肺腺癌の高分解能CTによる診断 : 病理組織像との対比(シンポジウム 肺癌診療における最近の進歩, 第502回新潟医学会)(古泉 直也),1995 https://t.co/UBIKi4AHc8

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