坂井 信之 今田 純雄
広島修大論集 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.39, no.1, pp.41-66, 1998-09

This article is one of series that review psychological studies about eating behavior in humans and animals. In this paper, the role of olfaction on the food selection in humans and animals were reviewed. In our daily use of the words, the word "taste (A-JI)" includes both of the sensation that is arisen from the taste receptors on the mouth and of the sensation arisen from the olfactory receptors on the nasal cavity. We humans sometimes experience "The taste (A-JI) of the food is changed by the respiratory infection." It is known that this change of taste is come from the change of odor perception. Thus, we can not distinguish the taste sensation from the odor sensation. The negative and positive experience to the food changes the hedonics of the "taste (A-JI)" of that food. Some studies in cognitive psychology and psychophysiology suggest that the olfactory hedonics is ready to associate with the emotional memory and that the taste hedonics is innate and robust. The authors suggest that the change of the hedonics of "taste (A-JI)" after some experiences stems from the change of the hedonics of odor. The olfactory experiment in eating behavior have not been documented well. The studies about the hedonics and its changes of the olfactory perception in eating behavior seem to be needed more.


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@deldel1127 @harry_ksg @benihoppe_momo それはよくある誤解で、嗅覚が支配的なのは風味の多様性で相対的強度ではありません また、食物の好嫌は圧倒的に味覚の方がファクターが強いです…… 坂井・今田 1998 食物選択における嗅覚の役割 https://t.co/TUS2j3lbPs
@galaxy14141356 お疲れ様です。 ついでに広大もあったんでどうぞ(長いから結論だけでいいんじゃないかな) https://t.co/1QY10J9BMG
@galaxy14141356 お疲れ様です。 ついでに広大もあったんでどうぞ(長いから結論だけでいいんじゃないかな) https://t.co/1QY10J9BMG

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