中西 大輔
広島修大論集 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.44, no.2, pp.193-207, 2004-02

This study explored confusion between liking and loving. Rubin (1970) showed that males do not distinguish liking and loving toward their partner in a romantic relationship, while females do. The adaptationist perspective, however, predicts the opposite pattern for males and females who are not yet involved in a romantic relationship. To test the prediction, in this experiment, mutually unknown opposite sex dyads jointly engaged in a problem solving task and then assessed their partner with Rubin's love/like scale. The results indicated that the correlation between liking and loving was higher among females than males. Therefore, the adaptationist prediction was supported. Implications of the present study and possible future research topics are discussed.
坂井 信之 今田 純雄
広島修大論集 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.39, no.1, pp.41-66, 1998-09

This article is one of series that review psychological studies about eating behavior in humans and animals. In this paper, the role of olfaction on the food selection in humans and animals were reviewed. In our daily use of the words, the word "taste (A-JI)" includes both of the sensation that is arisen from the taste receptors on the mouth and of the sensation arisen from the olfactory receptors on the nasal cavity. We humans sometimes experience "The taste (A-JI) of the food is changed by the respiratory infection." It is known that this change of taste is come from the change of odor perception. Thus, we can not distinguish the taste sensation from the odor sensation. The negative and positive experience to the food changes the hedonics of the "taste (A-JI)" of that food. Some studies in cognitive psychology and psychophysiology suggest that the olfactory hedonics is ready to associate with the emotional memory and that the taste hedonics is innate and robust. The authors suggest that the change of the hedonics of "taste (A-JI)" after some experiences stems from the change of the hedonics of odor. The olfactory experiment in eating behavior have not been documented well. The studies about the hedonics and its changes of the olfactory perception in eating behavior seem to be needed more.
熊谷 次紘
広島修大論集 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.41, no.1, pp.237-271, 2000-09

Although Ophelia is, as Elaine Showalter pointed out, "probably the most frequently illustrated and cited of Shakespeare's heroines", she has not been well appreciated in criticism as she might deserve. Rather, for many critics Ophelia is an insignificant minor character and the trend of her unpopularity in today's criticism seems to be almost irreversible. She is generally considered to be immature, vulnerable, naive and too obedient to her father and brother to be able to decide anything for herself. G. R. Hibbard, editor of Hamlet of the Oxford Shakespeare, for example, complained that "timid by nature-she has been 'affrighted' by the whole incident-and in obedience to her father's orders, she fails to respond to Hamlet's dumb plea for love, understanding, and help"; in the same vein Linda W. Wagner also remarked that Shakespeare "intended her to be a minor character, using her sparingly and almost forgetfully throughout the plot." Contrary to these negative views of Ophelia, the present paper attempts to appreciate her more positively by focusing on the favourable aspects of her and investigating into the meaning and value of her love for Hamlet. It is not quite difficult to see how gracefully Shakespeare infused life into Ophelia if only one compares her with the corresponding woman in the original story of Saxo Grammaticus's Historiae Danicae or the girl in F. de Belleforest's French translation of it. Without doubt Shakespeare's Ophelia is created incomparably superior to these women in the sources in terms of her elegance, refinement, purity and beauty. Shakespeare deliberately eliminated from the love story of Ophelia and Hamlet the sexual relations which had existed between the loose girl and Amleth (Hamlet) in Belleforest's story, thus greatly elevating the tragic quality of his hero and heroine. There is also an important clue to understanding Ophelia in a song about Jephthah's daughter which Hamlet hums in Act II Scene ii. The original story of the daughter is in the Old Testament (Judges 11:30-40). By comparing her with Jephthah's daughter, this paper also aims to elucidate the significance of Ophelia's tragedy that Shakespeare must have intended the Elizabethan audience to understand. As Harold Jenkins puts it in his Arden Edition of Hamlet, "the beautifully imagined and beautifully wrought sub-plot of Ophelia's constant and forsaken love is one of the most poignant things in Shakespeare." It may be true that she is lacking in courage and activity, though we do not actually have enough evidence for it, but surely she possesses a well-balanced radiant character and is endowed with a number of virtues such as modesty, delicacy, purity, discretion, prudence and gracefulness, the fact which suggests that she would have become an ideal wife to Prince Hamlet if they both had survived. At Ophelia's funeral, Gertrude bids her farewell strewing her body with flowers and saying, "Sweets to the sweet, farewell!/I hop'd thou shouldst have been my Hamlet's wife./I thought thy bride-bed to have deck'd, sweet maid,/And not have strew'd thy grave." (V. i. 243-46). In the same scene, leaping into Ophelia's grave, Hamlet protests, "I lov'd Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers/Could not with their quantity of love/Make up my sum." (V. i. 269-71). Not only do these speeches evidently indicate how priceless Ophelia's love was for Hamlet but also denote how exquisitely she was created as a significant major character indispensable for this tragedy.
森川 潤
広島修大論集 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.41, no.2, pp.1-24, 2001-02

Im Juni 1872 wurde ein Beamte des Justitzministeriums Inouye Kowashi zum Begleiter des Justitzministers Etoh Shimpei ernannt, und reiste im September nach Frankreich ab. Er beschaftigte sich mit der Untersuchung des franzosichen Rechtswesens bis Juli des nachsten Jahres, und machte danach eine Reise nach Berlin mit seinen Kollegen. Seit dieser Reise schatzt er hoch das preussischen Recht und das politische Wesen. Die Aufgabe dieses Aufsatzes ist aufzuklaren, zur welchen Erkenntnissen kam er uber Deutschland wahrend des Aufenthalts in Berlin.
今田 純雄 米山 理香
広島修大論集 人文編 (ISSN:03875873)
vol.38, no.2, pp.493-507, 1998-03

本研究は,心理検査法(塩見・千葉・岸本,1988)の尺度構成法により,日本語版食物新奇性恐怖尺度の標準化を試みたものである。予備項目の選定,予備項目データの収拾と分析を行い,14項目から構成される1要因尺度を作成した。尺度の妥当性,信頼性とも高いものであり,食物新奇性恐怖の傾向を測定しうる尺度が得られたと考えられる。14項目版のみでデータを再度収拾したところ,逆転,非逆転の項目配置を反映した2因子が得られた。これは,項目配置に問題のあることを示している。今後の使用にあたっては,項目順を見直し,再度,尺度としての安定性について検討する必要があろう。Pliner and Hobden (1992) developed a paper and pencil measure (questionnaire) of the trait of food neophobia, which was defined as a reluctance to eat and/or avoidance of novel foods. Using standard test construction techniques, we also developed a scale to measure the trait of food neophobia for Japanese. Statistical analyses of the data showed that this questionnaire was reliable and internally consistent. A behavioral validation study demonstrated that test scores predicted food neophobic/neophilic behavior in laboratory food consumption situation. However, a factor analysis of the data gained from the new group showed that this scale was constructed with two factors: The first is grouped with reversal items and the second with others. In using this scale, change of the order of the items is suggested.