林 宏作 Hong-zuo LIN 桃山学院大学文学部
no.7, pp.(7)-(19), 1993-02-25

阮籍の前半生は恰度曹魏が漢帝国を制する時代にあたるが、阮籍は病気などの口実を設け、紛雑した世から逃避し、一時の平静を得ていた。しかし後半生は、司馬氏が益々野心を増大させていった時期にあたり、その司馬昭が阮籍を常に側近とし望み通りに任せたので、司馬王朝のかけがえのない重臣のような存在にみえたが、実は司馬氏にとって阮籍は極めて有効な利用価値のある人間にすぎず、その本心では彼を信じていなかったのである。本論文は史実に基づいて阮籍とその生きた魏晉時代について論じた。Although the first half of Ruan Ji's life coincides precisely with the period when Cao Cao of the Wei kingdom was putting an end to the reign of the Han emperors, Ruan Ji used the pretext of illness to secrete himself away from the troubled world and gain a period of repose. Subsequently, however, he came to be used by the increasingly-ambitious Sima family which had taken defacto control in Wei (and was eventually to establish its own Jin dynasty), and became the advisor of Si-ma Zhao. Nevertheless, although Ruan Ji appeared to play an essential role as a statesman of the kingdom, it is apparent that the Si-ma clan did not genuinely trust him, but merely regarded him as someone with extraordinarily high use-value. The present paper uses historical sources to discuss Ruan Ji and the transition from Wei to Jin through which he lived.


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編集者: 大和屋敷
2012-03-15 12:47:34 の編集で削除されたか、リンク先が変更された可能性があります。

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