天野 秀樹 神原 一之 寺垣内 政一 植田 敦三
中学教育 : 研究紀要 (ISSN:13441531)
vol.36, pp.41-50, 2004-03-31

This Study, the purpose of which is to enhance Student's mathematical ability as applied to daily life, approaches it from building up Student's ability of communication. We propose a curriculum adapting Quick Draw, which is practiced in the United States, and examined the effect of it through an experimental lesson. As a result, the following points are discoverd '・ Students come to consider an explanation and a reason of a solution for the mathematical problem, their motivation for participation in negotiation rises, and it is possible to deepen their understanding of mathematical contents. After this study, we will promote this study and declare the function of the ability of communication in mathematics in application to daily life.


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こんな論文どうですか? 生きてはたらく数学力を培う教育課程と指導法の創造 : 表現・コミュニケーション力の育成とかかわって(天野 秀樹ほか),2004 https://t.co/JJUOmlgP5B

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