河村 晃太郎
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.38, pp.65-81, 2005-04-01

Su Dongpo is one of the most prominent poets in the Song period. In this paper, I examined his thoughts and attitude on art and literature around the time of his exile. As he opposed the political reform by Wang An-shi (王安石), he was impeached for writing many verses which were regarded as lese-majesty. He was exiled to Huang Zhou (黄州) in 1071. Though he didn't write many poems at this time, he devoted himself to drawing. Though this experience he began to realize that both drawing pictures and composing poems were originated from the same source of creation. Just before he was exiled, he recalled his friend, Wen Tong (文同), and wrote an essay about him. Su Dong-po referred to technical skills on drawing, saying "Imagine a bamboo drawn perfectly in your mind and should tackle it." Although he mentioned about drawing, it can be read as a criticism on verse. It might be too much to say that a person who can write poems can draw pictures, but at least Su Dong-po thought that it was verses that give pictures profundity.


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メモ: CiNii 論文 -  蘇東坡にとっての絵画と詩文 https://t.co/OpvmDZnP9Q #CiNii
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