尾崎 雅彦 南浦 純一 太田 真 佐々木 裕一 松浦 正己
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
no.3, pp.87-95, 2006-06

Ocean storage of the captured CO_2 from fossil-fuel burning is a possible option for mitigating the increase of CO_2 concentration in the atmosphere. Moving-ship type of CO_2 ocean storage is a concept whereby captured and liquefied CO_2 is delivered by ship to a site and injected into the deep ocean by means of a pipe suspended beneath a ship as it slowly moves through the water. In case of bad weather conditions, CO_2 marine transport and operation on the sea should be adjourned although CO_2 would be captured at the plant every day. It is, therefore, required that the system would have the buffer storage at the port and the extra shipping ability to recover the delay of schedule. Since the large scale of such spare capability might lead to the increase in cost, it is needed to investigate how to plan the system allowed for weather conditions reasonably. In this study, a time series model of sea state through one year is generated for a hypothetical ocean storage site, based on the wind data observed with satellite remote sensing, and simulations of CO_2 marine transport and operation on the sea are carried out considering the operational limit of sea state. In this approach, the continuing bad weather days or the frequent occurrences of rough sea condition during the specific season are counted automatically. In order to pursue higher efficiency of the operation, side-by-side type and tandem type of moorings are applied for the simulations and compared. Finally, cost assessments under the several assumptions are carried out to see the relative merits among that the number of ships would be increased, that the loading capacity of a ship would be increased, and that the storage capacity at the port would grow, which are generally in trade-off relationships.


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こんな論文どうですか? CO_2海上輸送・希釈放流システムの荒天稼動休止を考慮に入れた初期計画法に関する研究(尾崎雅彦ほか),2006 http://id.CiNii.jp/T9H2L
こんな論文どうですか? CO_2海上輸送・希釈放流システムの荒天稼動休止を考慮に入れた初期計画法に関する研究(尾崎雅彦ほか),2006 http://id.CiNii.jp/T9H2L
こんな論文どうですか? CO_2海上輸送・希釈放流システムの荒天稼動休止を考慮に入れた初期計画法に関する研究(尾崎雅彦ほか),2006 http://id.CiNii.jp/T9H2L

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