山本 健
国際教養学論集 (ISSN:09177299)
vol.6, pp.127-160, 1996-04

This paper airms to analyse a document which consists of the donation of Siegfried and the reinvestiture by the abbot-bischop Baturich representing St. Emmeram in order to clarify the connection between the manorial structure and a peasant's family in early-medieval Germany. In an environment of scarce resources, the lord played an important role in reconstructing a fragmented peasant world. The lord managed to create a few larger or more productive holdings for a small number of tenants. On the other hand, he hindered marriage and the establishement of an independent family for a large number of inhabitants in the agricultural world. In this way, the manor seems to have been characterized by the seigneurial manipulation of family groupings. As a result, the lord had plenty of human resources throughout his entire estate and allotted excess persons to new tenant couples still without children or to older couples whose children had departed. In this way, the lord established an institution for the allocation of human and agricultural resources. This meant that the manor was a kind of circulatory system of persons throughout the whole estate.


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