山本 有造
経済志林 (ISSN:00229741)
vol.73, no.4, pp.97-110, 2006-03-03

What kind of special features did "the Japanese Colonial Empire"have in the general history of modern colonial empires?In recent years, we can find new developments in the research of thehistory of modern empires and the history of Japanese empire. However,the trend has not yet resulted in the stage of discussing specialfeatures from a comparative-historical view, relating to the "Japaneseempire" to general "empires". As a first step, the purpose of this paperis to look back upon the history of the colonial rule of Japan over about50 years and to summarize some special features. As we reach 60 yearsafter the defeat of Japan, it must be worth showing such a trial todiscuss the source of Japan's influence on modern East Asian history.We discuss special features found in the rule of modern Japanesecolonial empire, summarizing the four points below: (1) Late-comingimperialism, (2) Neighbor invasive imperialism, (3) Inland assimilationprinciple, and (4) Industrial development principle.


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