南部 敏明
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.241-254, 2006

Monitoring investigations of the aculeate Hymenoptera, excluding ants, were made at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, from 2001 to 2005. During this period, surveys were carried out almost every month except winter, December to February. A total of 116 species in 18 families were recorded. Similar research was made at the same place from 1997 to 1999, and 146 species of 20 families were recorded (Nambu & Shimizu, 2000; Terayama, 2000a). Twenty-three species were newly added in this survey, and a total of 170 species in 20 families were collected at the largest green tract in urban Tokyo during this decade. Bamboo shoot traps were set for tube renter wasps and bees, and 5 species made their nests: Anterhynchium flavomarginatum micado, Pararrhynchium ornatum, Trypoxylon malaisei, Trypoxylon errans and Megachile spissula.


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