吉田 忠雄 丁 大玉 大木 雄造 檜垣 守正
vol.2005, pp.179-180, 2005-08-25

Black powder is an important component of fireworks and was invented in China in the latter half of the 8^<th> century. Black powder was used for medicine at first and then for military purposes in 10^<th> century. Fireworks using black powder appeared in 12^<th> century. In the end of 13^<th> century Italian displayed fireworks. In Japan gun was imported in 1543 and black powder was also imported simultaneously. Then fireworks were manufactured. Fireworks display gained popularity in the Edo period. On and after the Meiji era, spherical fireworks shells were made giving bright and many colors. Japan became top-rank in Fireworks. Recently, China has become first-rank in manufacturing and export of fireworks. Fireworks have been developed mainly by experience. But, from now on science and technology will support the prosperity of fireworks.


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