中島 務 中田 隆文 片山 直美 杉浦 彩子 内田 育恵 寺西 正明 吉田 忠雄
一般社団法人 日本めまい平衡医学会
Equilibrium Research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.79, no.3, pp.156-163, 2020-06-30 (Released:2020-08-05)

We investigated the risk factors for vertigo from the results of health checkups conducted in Yakumo town. The subjects of this investigation included 525 persons (299 women and 226 men), aged 40 to 88 years (average 63.78 years). Among these, 397 persons (75.6%) had no vertigo, 116 persons (22.1%) had vertigo sometimes, and 12 persons (2.3%) suffered from vertigo frequently. Ninety-four women (31.4%) and 34 men (15.0%) had vertigo. Twenty-one (51.2%) of the 41 women in their 40s had vertigo. Logistic regression analysis revealed that subjective hearing loss, a low value of the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), headache, high level of serum creatinine and frequent urination were significantly associated with the risk of vertigo, after adjustments for age and sex. Listening difficulties in conversations between four or five people were reported more frequently than those in one-to-one conversations. Anemia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of vertigo. In the diagnosis of vertigo, information about the presence/absence of headache and the status of the headache, if any, may be necessary. In our study, migraine and headache on the ipsilateral side were associated with vertigo, but bilateral headache was not associated with vertigo. Our analysis, did not reveal smoking, drinking, exercise habit, sleep time, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, hemoglobin A1c, blood glucose, serum triglyceride, serum LDL cholesterol, or serum HDL cholesterol as being significantly associated with the risk of occurrence of vertigo, after adjustments for age and sex.
杉本 賢文 曾根 三千彦 大竹 宏直 寺西 正明 杉浦 淳子 吉田 忠雄
一般社団法人 日本聴覚医学会
vol.59, no.4, pp.218-223, 2016-08-30 (Released:2017-03-18)

要旨: 10歳時に初めて高度難聴を指摘できた人工内耳手術症例を経験したので報告する。 5歳時より難聴を疑わせる症状を呈していたが, 耳鼻咽喉科診療所や総合病院耳鼻咽喉科にて複数回純音聴力検査を受けても難聴は指摘されなかった。 当院初診時の純音聴力検査による聴力レベル (4分法) は右 98.8dB, 左 92.5dB と 500Hz 以上の中高音域にて高度な難聴を認めたが, 右耳の 125, 250Hz では 30~40dB の残存聴力を有していた。 初診10ヶ月後には, 補聴器装用効果不十分のため, 左耳へ人工内耳植込術を実施した。 10歳まで高度難聴を把握できなかった要因としては, 難聴が徐々に進行した可能性, 低音域に残存聴力が存在したこと, 不十分な聴力評価により繰り返し難聴を否定されてきたことなどが考えられた。 小児の聴力検査を行う際は, 他覚的聴覚検査の併用も考慮し, 慎重に診断を行うべきである。
吉田 忠雄
照明学会誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.92, no.7, pp.386-388, 2008-06-25

The history, present situation and fireworks contest on the Sumida River are described. Fireworks were displayed originally in 1733 on the Sumida River as the memorial service for the victims of a bad crop and an epidemic. The fireworks display was called "Ryogoku Kawabiraki Hanabi". Since then, the display continued until today though there were several interruptions. Today, the display is called "Sumidagawa Hanabi Taikai", the fireworks of about ten thousands each are displayed at two places on the river and the fireworks contest is held at one of the places simultaneously.
吉田 忠雄 加藤 正大 大竹 宏直 加藤 健 寺西 正明 片山 直美 中島 務
Japan Society for Equilibrium Research
Equilibrium research (ISSN:03855716)
vol.72, no.4, pp.247-253, 2013-08-01

Development of 3-tesla enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a tool for the visualization of endolymphatic hydrops (EH). This technique was first developed in animal experiments and adapted in patients with inner ear diseases including Menieres disease (MD). Up to the present, we have demonstrated EH in many MD patients. Recently, we have succeeded in obtaining a 3D-real IR-like image even after intravenous standard-dose gadolinium administration. This type of image was named the HYDROPS (HYbriD of Reversed image Of Positive endolymph Signal and native image of positive perilymph signal). The relationship between unilateral MD and EH has not yet been explored. We studied 76 patients with unilateral MD who were evaluated using MRI. The mean age of the subjects was 53.4 years (range 17 to 80 years). Forty-two were women and 34 were men. Symptomatic and non-symptomatic ears were categorized into 4 groups (healthy, 76; possible, 48; Probable, 13; and definite, 15) based on AAO-HNS definitions. MRI was performed 4 hours after intravenous gadolinium administration. Overall, 152 ears were evaluated. EH in the cochlea was present in 57 of 76 symptomatic ears (73.7%) and 34 of 76 (44.7%) non symptomatic ears. Ears with definite MD had EH more frequently in the cochlea than ears in the healthy ears groups. Furthermore, EH in the vestibule with definite MD was larger than ears in any of the other groups. Our reports showed for the first time that there was Ba relationship between the degrees of EH and the stage of MD. Moreover, in fewer than half of unilateral MD patients EH was seen in the cochlea with non-symptomatic ears. EH in healthy ears may be an indicator of bilateral MD. Using MRI to identify this covert EH in asymptomatic patients may offer the possibility of early detection or prevention of MD.
吉田 忠雄 丁 大玉 大木 雄造 檜垣 守正
vol.2005, pp.179-180, 2005-08-25

Black powder is an important component of fireworks and was invented in China in the latter half of the 8^<th> century. Black powder was used for medicine at first and then for military purposes in 10^<th> century. Fireworks using black powder appeared in 12^<th> century. In the end of 13^<th> century Italian displayed fireworks. In Japan gun was imported in 1543 and black powder was also imported simultaneously. Then fireworks were manufactured. Fireworks display gained popularity in the Edo period. On and after the Meiji era, spherical fireworks shells were made giving bright and many colors. Japan became top-rank in Fireworks. Recently, China has become first-rank in manufacturing and export of fireworks. Fireworks have been developed mainly by experience. But, from now on science and technology will support the prosperity of fireworks.