阿部 真司
高知医科大学一般教育紀要 (ISSN:09123083)
vol.7, pp.1a-26a, 1991-12-10

Omononushigami-God consisted of three different godheads. The first and basic was that of Mt. Mimoro ; that was also a mountain god, a snake god, a thunder god or an emperor spirit. On it was piled the second godhead ; an plague god or a death spirit which had come from abroad. On the eclectic godhead from the above two, moreover, was piled the third godhead ; a god of the Sueki (Earthenware)-making family who had moved from Sue Mura (Pottery Village) to Yamato Province in order to calm an plague god there. The Omoninushigami-God was put in a position as the representatives of Kunitsukami-Gods at the time of Emperor Temmu. Now we have three legends of Mt. Miwa where Omononushigami-God was worshipped. The earliest one called Hashihaka Legend, as old as Hashihaka Kofun (tumulus), was about an shrined maiden who served Mt. Mimoro's god in the 3rd or 4th century. The next one, Odamaki Legend, was farnily legend of Miwanokimi-Family and later was linked with Mt. Mimoro. The last legend that was about the birth of Emperor Jimmu's wife began to be told at the time of Emperor Temmu so that Emperor Jimmu should be linked with an emperor spirit of Mt. Mimoro.


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