安渓 遊地 安渓 貴子 安渓 貴子
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.13, pp.57-73, 2007-03-31

Mr. AKAGI Hayashi, an eminent storyteller of Tokuji, passed away on the 30^<th> of November 2005. This article introduces his narratives recorded in 2004 about the local history and folkloric traditions in Tokuji District, northern Yamaguchi City. Part 1 is a record of our visit to locations of historical interests, guided by Mr. Akagi. He showed us the places where Saint Chogen (1121-1206) performed his Herculean work to collect timber to reconstruct Todaiji Temple in Nara. Part 2 deals with the folklore of Tokuji : festivals, daily food, and encounters with mythical or extinct creatures, a golden kite, a white pheasant, serpents, and wolves. Part 3 is an extract of Mr. Akagi's manuscripts. We have chosen his biographical writings. He was raised in a family of soma or professional forest workers, who felled trees, sawed wood, and made rafts to flow down the Saba River. His house is located on the riverbank, and his family members have voluntarily undertaken the task of looking after passengers, who crossed the big river on a narrow wooden bridge. They are proud of the result that they have saved dozens of human lives from drowning.


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CiNii 論文 -  歴史と民俗文化のふるさと : 山口市徳地の語り部・赤木森さん大いに語る(二) http://t.co/W6nVn5YXi9 #CiNii

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