安渓 貴子
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.97, no.9, pp.629-636, 2002-09-15 (Released:2011-09-20)

多様性の大陸アフリカには, おどろくほど多彩な地酒づくりの文化が花開いている。サハラ以南のアフリカの伝統の酒造りの中には, 乾燥地の狩猟採集民の果実酒や, 季節的に雨が降るサバンナ帯のハチミツ酒とさまざまな穀物を発芽させてつくるビールの仲間, 湿潤な森林地帯のヤシ酒や泡盛にも似た風味をもつカビ付けした米の蒸留酒などが連綿とつくられてきた。これは, そうしたアフリカの地酒づくりの技術の科学的理解のための覚え書きである。
安渓 遊地 安渓 貴子
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.11, pp.55-67, 2005-03-25

This is a collection of the narratives of Mr. AKAGI Hayashi, an eminent story-teller living in Tokuji Town, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Based on his field surveys begun five decades ago, he kindly invited us to visit sites of historical and folkloric interest scattered throughout Tokuji. Every time he guided us, we were happily surprised by his ability to narrate centuries-old oral traditions in detail as if they happened only yesterday. The core of his narratives was the Herculean acts of a Buddhist priest, Saint Chogen (1121-1206), who used timbers from the Tokuji forest to rebuild the Todaiji Temple, a World Heritage in Nara, which had been destroyed during the civil war of Genji and Heike. Although almost every cultural heritage in Tokuji, Buddhist statues, saunas, tea cultivation, paper-making and so on, is affiliated to Saint Chogen, Mr. AKAGI also expands his vivid biographic narratives to such recent times as Santoka (1882-1940), a famous poet of haiku, who lived and died as a vagabond mendicant.
安渓 遊地 安渓 貴子
vol.7, pp.1-29, 2006-03-22

Los autores visitaron la Universidad Publica de Navarra en Pamplona de abril a septiembre de 2005, gracias a un programa de intercambio entre la prefectura de Yamaguchi y la Communidad Foral de Navarra. Navarra es bien conocida come el lugar de nacumiento
安渓 遊地 安渓 貴子 安渓 貴子
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.13, pp.57-73, 2007-03-31

Mr. AKAGI Hayashi, an eminent storyteller of Tokuji, passed away on the 30^<th> of November 2005. This article introduces his narratives recorded in 2004 about the local history and folkloric traditions in Tokuji District, northern Yamaguchi City. Part 1 is a record of our visit to locations of historical interests, guided by Mr. Akagi. He showed us the places where Saint Chogen (1121-1206) performed his Herculean work to collect timber to reconstruct Todaiji Temple in Nara. Part 2 deals with the folklore of Tokuji : festivals, daily food, and encounters with mythical or extinct creatures, a golden kite, a white pheasant, serpents, and wolves. Part 3 is an extract of Mr. Akagi's manuscripts. We have chosen his biographical writings. He was raised in a family of soma or professional forest workers, who felled trees, sawed wood, and made rafts to flow down the Saba River. His house is located on the riverbank, and his family members have voluntarily undertaken the task of looking after passengers, who crossed the big river on a narrow wooden bridge. They are proud of the result that they have saved dozens of human lives from drowning.