中村 文哉
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.13, pp.73-105, 2007-03-20

This paper considers on the affaire of Arashiyama (Arashiyama Jiken) at 1932. Arashiyama where become one of the famous tourist resorts is a small mountain located in northwest of Nago city in Okinawa Island. This affair took place as a political conflict concerning with the construction of a sanatorium for Hansen's disease between the communities neighboring on and Okinawa prefecture. Though the rate of contraction indicated a high score in 1930's Okinawa, Okinawa prefecture was failed to realize some medical policies for this disease. The increasing uncured patients in many communities were one of the serious social problems in this time. As failed in business to construct a sanatorium in many times, Okinawa prefecture forced to constitute Arashiyama-plan without making an agreement with the communities. This political decision constitutes incipient factors of this affair. To be sure the affair of Arashiyama seemed to take place by the communities prejudiced and discriminated to Hansen's disease, but pluralistic factors had in; first is influenced to Socialism's solidarity between "the Hanejiunion for opposition to sanatorium" and "the political party for Reunion Ohgimi community"; second the perspective to cure patients; third the perspective to patients. The mission of this paper positively clarifies pluralistic aspects of this affair with scientific interpreting the newspapers, some local histories and narrative-documents.


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