木戸 久美子 中村 仁志 藤田 久美 林 隆
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.11, pp.135-139, 2005-03-20

堤 雅恵 田中 マキ子 原田 秀子 涌井 忠昭 小林 敏生
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.13, pp.65-71, 2007-03-20

近年,高齢者ケアの現場において音楽,ゲーム,園芸などを手段としたアクティビティケアが頻繁に行われているが,その効果については未だ十分な検討が行われていない.本研究では,介護療養型医療施設に在住する認知症高齢者女性10名(平均年齢84.4±7.1歳,Barthel Index平均得点37.0±30.4点,HDS-R平均得点6.4±6.0点)を対象に,アクティビティケアを実施した日と実施しなかった日の9時から17時までの,携帯式行動量測定装置アクティカルを使ったエネルギー消費量測定による活動量およびタイムスタディによる対人交流時間の調査を実施し,アクティビティケアの効果を検討した,その結果,アクティビティケアが実施された日とされなかった日のエネルギー消費量は,それぞれ338.9±70.4kcalおよび344.0±86.4kcalであり,有意差は認められなかった.対人交流時間については,アクティビティケアが実施された日の対人交流時間の合計は137.9±45.0分で,実施されなかった日の対人交流時間96.1±40.4分と比較して有意に多かった(p=0.042).本研究結果から,アクティビティケアの実施が活動量の増加にはつながりにくいものの,対人交流の時間の確保につながることが示唆された.
中村 文哉
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.9, pp.41-57, 2003-03-20

The theme of this paper is the forms of "homeland" may take. The author asserts that two forms of "homeland" exist:One is the homeland as substance, that is as a physical space, and the second is the homeland as meaning, something that exists in our field of consciousnesses or memories. This phenomenon can be clearly seen in the case of immigrants who have lost their physical homeland but still retain their homeland in their mind and heart. The experience of losing one's substantive homeland results in gaining a meaningful homeland in abstract form. This is the result of the vivid symbolism of human experiences. In Chapter 1, the author discusses "homeland" as birthplace and the very important meaning of nativity for us. A discussion on the contingency of one's birth which draws from Tonnie's category "Gemeinshaft", Cooley's "primary group" and Schutz's" world of everyday life" follows. The author contends that social personalities are formed by the social-cultural orders and habits experienced in one's homeland. In Chapter 2, the author asserts that so long as any experience with homeland is based on Schutz's "umweltichen Erliberness" (the situation founded on face to face relationships), immigrants will vividly live in the homeland as a meaning in place of their substantive homeland. In Chapters 3 to 5, the author describes the homeland of the peple who live in Kamagasaki, a town of day laborers in Osaka. The town is populated by immigrants from Okinawa and people who have experienced Hansen Disease in Okinawa.
鈴木 隆泰
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448587)
no.12, pp.29-36, 2006-03

While moral education intends to bring us to maturity in a particular society, religious education teaches us our everlasting immaturity and thus admonishes us to forgive other's faults. The confusion of these two different types of education seems to have brought about the deficiency for both morals and religion to carry out their indispensable functions to all of us. This paper attempts to elucidate the difference between morals and religion, and to help those two types of education to recover their proper functions.
中村 文哉
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.13, pp.73-105, 2007-03-20

This paper considers on the affaire of Arashiyama (Arashiyama Jiken) at 1932. Arashiyama where become one of the famous tourist resorts is a small mountain located in northwest of Nago city in Okinawa Island. This affair took place as a political conflict concerning with the construction of a sanatorium for Hansen's disease between the communities neighboring on and Okinawa prefecture. Though the rate of contraction indicated a high score in 1930's Okinawa, Okinawa prefecture was failed to realize some medical policies for this disease. The increasing uncured patients in many communities were one of the serious social problems in this time. As failed in business to construct a sanatorium in many times, Okinawa prefecture forced to constitute Arashiyama-plan without making an agreement with the communities. This political decision constitutes incipient factors of this affair. To be sure the affair of Arashiyama seemed to take place by the communities prejudiced and discriminated to Hansen's disease, but pluralistic factors had in; first is influenced to Socialism's solidarity between "the Hanejiunion for opposition to sanatorium" and "the political party for Reunion Ohgimi community"; second the perspective to cure patients; third the perspective to patients. The mission of this paper positively clarifies pluralistic aspects of this affair with scientific interpreting the newspapers, some local histories and narrative-documents.
山本 佳代子
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.13, pp.53-63, 2007-03-20

The purpose of this study is to clarify the status of learning support for children in residential care, using the interview for workers. It is found that they have a lot of difficulties such as a shortage of workers, lack of supporting time and poor study circumstances. There findings suggest that it necessity for protection of learning rights of the children and skill for living, which is based on relationship between children and workers.
赤羽 潔
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.5, pp.39-53, 1999-03-31

This report concentrates on three kinds of playing(0 and 2 -year-olds at a nurseryschool), and refer to the structures of infants world of playing. These different types of playing "Inai-inai-baa", "playing with many sheets and pieces of newspaper" …
斎藤 美麿
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.9, pp.85-91, 2003-03-20

平成13年11月から3月まで,山口県立大学より曲阜師範大学の交換教員として派遣され,中国の各地を回り,障害児の教育の実態を見てきました。中国の庶民の生活を実感するために,春節の10日間ほどホームスティで棗庄市の民家で過ごさせてもらいました。中国の人の日本への関心は強いのですが,間違った情報も多く,確かな情報を伝えることの必要性を感じました。曲阜においては曲阜師範大学外国語学部日本語学科の学生を相手に日本語で,「日本の戦後」という主題で15回の講義を行い,中国人学生との交流を行いました。また,日本人留学生,日本人教員と協力して日本語学科の学生100人を相手として,カレー,煮込み,おにぎりを主体としたパーティを催し,クリスマスパーティ,餃子パーティに招待されました。日本の文化を伝えるという交換教員としての役割を果たすのに不足をしているものをあげますと,日本のテレビ番組,ラジオ番組,情報機器,食料,衣服等々ありますが,もっともほしいものは日本の書籍でした。日本の本が少なく,文学害の不足を強く感じました。教室で使われている教科書の日本の会話も,設定状態のありえない場面の会話で日本語の理解を助けるようなものではありませんでした。旅の途中で,日本語のガイドを頼んでおりましたが,古い日本語,もう使っていないことばでの会話にもなりました。そんなところから,雑誌であれ,新聞であれ, 文学書であれ,どんな本でもほしいというのが,筆者の感じ,曲阜師範大学外国語学部日本語学科で,ぜひとも日本語学科であらゆる日本語の本がほしい,日本語の図書室を作りたいということが伝えられ,それでは実際に日本から本は集められるのか,送れるのかということとなり,日本から曲阜師範大学日本語学科(現在は曲阜師範大学外国語学院日本語学部)に送る方向で検討を開始し,実行しました。
木戸 久美子 林 隆 藤田 久美
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.13, pp.123-130, 2007-03-20

There are many evidences supporting the lack of skills for living in the background of increasing artificial abortion and sex transmitted infection (STI) in adolescents of Japan. World health organization (WHO) has been proposed that educational programs about skill for living are effect for preventing AIDS in teenagers. Especially peer education is strongly recommended foe useful and good for youths. However, there is no report about the effectiveness of peer education in acquiring skills for living.The purpose of this study is to clarify the effectiveness of peer education about HIV/AIDS for acquiring the skill of living in high school students (i.e. : decision making, skill of communication, self esteem). Participants consisted of 12 female and 15 male high school students aged from 16 to 17 years. Also, the peer educators were university students. The results showed that 93.6% were positive answer for peer education technique. There was no statistically significant difference between pre and post peer education in the aspects of decision making, skill of communication, self esteem. There was significance in change of awareness about reproductive health rights (p=0.007). We conclude that only one trial of peer education may be hard to get the skill for living.
大石 由起子 木戸 久美子 林 典子 稲永 努
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.13, pp.107-121, 2007-03-20

Peer Support is a support system that utilizes the peer relationship. Usually counseling is done by a professional counselor who is educated in psycho therapy. However, in Peer Counseling the counselor is a peer of the person receiving counseling, one who stands in the same position or has the same disorder or the same experience as the person being counseled. There are two merits to using peer counseling at universities and colleges. First, it can help students who are having some problems in their campus life. Second, the peer counselors who volunteer to participate can experience some growth in themselves as well. In this paper we reviewed selected recent articles on peer support or peer counseling in Japan in the fields of welfare, health and student counseling. These articles are reviewed from the following four points : 1) start and structure of peer counseling (peer support); 2) programs of peer counselor education; 3) reports of peer counseling practice; 4) maturing or changing of students in peer counselor training.
志村 哲郎
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.13, pp.1-9, 2007-03-20

In this paper we treat on the notion of the disability and the disabled people or people with disability. Making a comparative study of the international classification of disability, health of 1980 with the new model of 2001's of WHO, we reconsider the definition and the meaning about the category of "impairment", "disability".