中村 文哉
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.9, pp.41-57, 2003-03-20

The theme of this paper is the forms of "homeland" may take. The author asserts that two forms of "homeland" exist:One is the homeland as substance, that is as a physical space, and the second is the homeland as meaning, something that exists in our field of consciousnesses or memories. This phenomenon can be clearly seen in the case of immigrants who have lost their physical homeland but still retain their homeland in their mind and heart. The experience of losing one's substantive homeland results in gaining a meaningful homeland in abstract form. This is the result of the vivid symbolism of human experiences. In Chapter 1, the author discusses "homeland" as birthplace and the very important meaning of nativity for us. A discussion on the contingency of one's birth which draws from Tonnie's category "Gemeinshaft", Cooley's "primary group" and Schutz's" world of everyday life" follows. The author contends that social personalities are formed by the social-cultural orders and habits experienced in one's homeland. In Chapter 2, the author asserts that so long as any experience with homeland is based on Schutz's "umweltichen Erliberness" (the situation founded on face to face relationships), immigrants will vividly live in the homeland as a meaning in place of their substantive homeland. In Chapters 3 to 5, the author describes the homeland of the peple who live in Kamagasaki, a town of day laborers in Osaka. The town is populated by immigrants from Okinawa and people who have experienced Hansen Disease in Okinawa.
中村 文哉
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
no.13, pp.41-91, 2020-03-31

中村 文哉
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
no.12, pp.51-87, 2019-03-29

中村 文哉
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
vol.10, pp.33-58, 2017-02-28

ミーニシ(冬期の南西諸島に吹く北西の季節風)が吹き出す候の1935年11月25日、星塚敬愛園園長・林文雄他四名のスタッフは、沖縄・奄美のハンセン病罹患者を収容するため、鹿児島を発った。この収容により、沖縄から129名、奄美から116名の病者たちは、時化で荒れる海に打ち克ち、開園間もない敬愛園に収容された。本稿は、この収容準備の過程を追うことにより、船による、僻地の離島からの、遠距離病者移送の問題点と危険性について考察する。この考察から引き出される見解は、以下の通りである。第一に、今回の収容方は、日本MTLを介した沖繩MTLと敬愛園の連携により、それまで療養所構築の件で失策が続いた沖繩縣の協力を引き出したこと、第二に、僻地の離島収容は、病者と療養所の直接的関係だけでなく、病者・地域社会・療養所から成る三者関係の構築が必要なこと、第三に、船による遠距離の病者移送、しかも僻地の離島からの病者移送は、それまで放置され、社会的孤立を余儀なくされた病者たちのニーズに応える機会を創出した点で、新たな病者救恤の可能性を開いたこと、以上のことが明らかにされる。At 25 November 1935, Fumio Hayashi who was the first president of national leprosarium "Hoshizuka-Kei'aien" departed for Amami-Ohshima and Okinawa Islands with his four stuffs. Their purpose of departure was planed to accommodate the peoples with Hansen's disease at these islands for Kei'aien at Kagoshima Prefectural. To actualize their accommodation, there is the danger that go across the route for Amami-Oshima at stomy season. And at all seasons, there is a danger-path for any ships going across to Tohshima(the Sea of Shicitoh) between Amami-Ohshima and Yakushima Islands. They accommodated the poor and serious patients with Hansen's disease. In all of them, 129 patients went across to the Sea of Shichitoh from Okinawa and 116 from Amami, overtaking by the very hard storm. In this paper, as tracing some preparatory processes of accommodation, we consider on some risks to the serious patients with Hansen's disease from the detached islands in the out-of-the-way place and the far-off-sea by small ship. Our conclusion is follow; first, to accommodate the peoples with Hansen's disease from the detached islands is possible to actualize the construction of social networks between not only patients with Hansen's disease and stuffs of leprosarium but also local community(center); second though the accommodation at remote place through far-way transfer by small ship had some difficulties and risks, it is possible to accommodate a patient who is helpless and social isolation.
中村 文哉
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.9, pp.59-118, 2016-03-31

本稿の主題は、沖繩MTLが1930年代後半に為した営みを同時代的状況のもとに照射し、同組織が果たした役割とその意義を考察することにある。一章では、まず、沖繩MTLの会則が成立した過程を追い、同組織のミッションの所在を確認する。次に、そのミッションが依って立つ基盤を、1907年の「癩予防に関する法律」、及び1931年の「癩予防法」との関連、及び「日本MTL会則」との関連から照射し、同時代の沖縄社会に生きた病者たちの現実に向きあおうとした同組織のスタンスを示す。二章では、このようにして構成された沖繩MTLのミッションとスタンスが、如何なる活動を生み、その結果、如何なる現実が帰結したのかを、「沖繩MTL報告(書)」の刊行年次および記事と予算会計から追う。1号期は屋部の焼討事件と病者の鹿児島収容、2号期は会則成立、屋我地済井出住民との救護所をめぐる交渉、3号期は「沖繩MTL相談所」の開所と移管問題、4号期は国立移管と国頭愛楽園への信仰上の救済、納骨堂建設運動、5号期は納骨堂構築と国立移管の実現、といった出来事が生起した。沖繩MTLが同時代の沖縄社会において果たした役割は、沖縄社会における病者たちの厳しい現実に寄り添いながら、長年かなわなかった療養所構築により、多くの病者を救済する手段を構築した点において、沖縄救癩史の転換点を準備したことにある。In this paper, we consider on the social rescue for some crises with leprosy at 1930' Okinawa. Our theme concern to the social relevance between the society "Okinawa Mission to Lepers"(OMTL)and 1930's Okinawan Island. OMTL was organized at 13 May 1935 in Shu-ri Baptest Churche by some earinest relieffers ; Takeo HANASHIRO, Danziro HATTORI、Yoshio NOMACHI and others. ...
中村 文哉
山口県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:1341044X)
vol.13, pp.73-105, 2007-03-20

This paper considers on the affaire of Arashiyama (Arashiyama Jiken) at 1932. Arashiyama where become one of the famous tourist resorts is a small mountain located in northwest of Nago city in Okinawa Island. This affair took place as a political conflict concerning with the construction of a sanatorium for Hansen's disease between the communities neighboring on and Okinawa prefecture. Though the rate of contraction indicated a high score in 1930's Okinawa, Okinawa prefecture was failed to realize some medical policies for this disease. The increasing uncured patients in many communities were one of the serious social problems in this time. As failed in business to construct a sanatorium in many times, Okinawa prefecture forced to constitute Arashiyama-plan without making an agreement with the communities. This political decision constitutes incipient factors of this affair. To be sure the affair of Arashiyama seemed to take place by the communities prejudiced and discriminated to Hansen's disease, but pluralistic factors had in; first is influenced to Socialism's solidarity between "the Hanejiunion for opposition to sanatorium" and "the political party for Reunion Ohgimi community"; second the perspective to cure patients; third the perspective to patients. The mission of this paper positively clarifies pluralistic aspects of this affair with scientific interpreting the newspapers, some local histories and narrative-documents.
中村 文哉
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.1, pp.40-64, 2008-03-31

In this paper, we inquire into "l. espace vecu" for "Lepers" in Okinawa. To consider on the social meanings of a sanatorium for Hansen.s disease patient ("Kunigami Airakuen") in Okinawa before its construction, we clarify both the place to live ("l. espace vecu") for them and the their social interest to survive.…