伊庭 幸人
物性研究 (ISSN:05252997)
vol.72, no.1, pp.1-20, 1999-04-20

この論文は国立情報学研究所の電子図書館事業により電子化されました。There are a number of statistical methodologies, each of which has its own philosophy and mathematical background. A way to understand them is to regard them as tools for defining "possible samples from possible worlds" from a set of real samples from the real world. That is, different methods correspond to different ways to generate imaginary data from real data. In this note, we review the issues on model selection from this point of view. We also give a few remarks on philosophi-mathematical subjects around model selection. In the appendix, we discuss psychopathology of schizophrenia from the viewpoint of statistical sciences.


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@Nakajima_Ki_43 全く同意です.そういえば,こんなものを書いたことがあります https://t.co/9rXLXGT5TK
「モデル選択とその周辺」 https://t.co/PDcVuV7qtZ なるほどこちらでは中井久夫への言及がありますね。こっちも読んでたはずだけど記憶に無い。

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