青山 夕夏
香川大学教育学部研究報告. 第I部 (ISSN:04549309)
vol.126, pp.17-32, 2006

In this article I discuss some modern Japanese works for flute composed mainly from the 1920s to the 1930s including Koscak Yamada's pieces. These works were created under the influence of interrelationship between many artists of various fields. For example, when a female Japanese poet Sumako Fukao was staying in Paris, she was given flute lessons by a virtuoso Marcel Moyse who got interested in Japanese music through meetings with her. Their cross-cultural exchange further influenced some Japanese composers who started on creating new pieces for flute. This article focuses on such complicated human relationships that encouraged the creation of several pieces of Japanese modem flute music. This article is a greatly enlarged and revised edition of a program note of the concert entitled the Beginning of Flute Music by Modern Japanese Composers, where I performed these pieces at Kanazawa Phonograph Museum as a part of the concert series Music Live Circuit '06 in Kanazawa.


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