尹 芝恵
総合政策論叢 (ISSN:13463829)
vol.10, pp.73-89, 2005-12

In the course of the resumption of friendly relations between Japan and Korea after Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of the Korean Peninsula, a delegation was instituted. The Korean delegation consisted of 400 to 500 people including three main ambassadors, official painters, medical doctors, translators and Band musicians, etc. The delegation visited Japan 12 times between 1607 and 1811. This 200-year-long cultural exchange between Korea and the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan produced in both countries many kinds of pictures which related to the delegation. Some of which were pictures produced by the members of the Embassy and others were by Japanese painters. For example, we can classify these pictures according to the following themes: the magnificent parade of Korean members either by ship or on foot, the welcome-parties with Japanese hospitality and the portraits of the representative ambassadors. As time passed during the Tokugawa shogunate, the people in the Edo period grew richer and more refined, and became more interested in the Korean delegation. Ukiyo-e artists designed illustrated narrative books and published them. It is said that, for the Tokugawa shogunate, the Korean delegation was a symbolic medium to show how international the Tokugawa shogunate was. In this respect, very skillful painters in the Edo period were officially employed and maintained by the shogun. But the Ukiyo-e artists were designed and printed based on entertainment for the ordinary people of that time. I will focus on the Band musicians represented in folding screens, roll screens, and Ukiyo-e etc. The reason for this is that the images of the Band musicians were transformed. They were louder than reality. But the deformation shows strong the impression given to the public. And, at the same time, it also shows the image of aliens which the public also expected.


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