西村 典子 中村 豊 恩田 哲也 伊藤 栄治 甲斐 堯介
東海大学スポーツ医科学雑誌 (ISSN:09153659)
vol.19, pp.63-68, 2007

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of artificial carbon dioxide-rich water for peripheral circulatory improvement on fingers of baseball players with circulatory disturbances catching hands with index fingers suffering from repetitive ball impact. A trial therapy of bathing in artificial carbon dioxide-rich water and fresh water for following the nine university baseball players having symptoms of circulatory disturbances graphic evaluation of thermograph and analysis of temperature on fixed point was done. Results suggest circulatory improvement of fingers : two players of the artificial carbon dioxide-rich water tended toward increased temperature on their catching hands, indicating improved blood flow in the index finger and center-point of the palm area. The measurement conditions were not always ideal because there were some variance in this trial therapy, for example environmental temperatures, degrees of circulatory disturbances, problem progress of bathing and so on ; nevertheless treatments for circulatory disturbances in the fingers under the condition of low temperature don't currently exist. The therapy of bathing in artificial carbon dioxide-rich water seems to be useful on the sports field.


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https://ci.nii.ac.jp/els/contentscinii_20180314181853.pdf?id=ART0008478017 p.5より引用 入工炭酸泉浴は皮膚を介在して吸収するこ とが可能である炭酸ガス (CO2)を人工 的に作り出し、入浴で代謝の最終産物であるco2を作為的に作る事で化学受容体を刺激し、血管拡張、血流を増大させるとあります。 効果があるかは置 ...

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