愛甲 哲也 淺川 昭一郎
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.70, no.5, pp.515-518, 2007-03-30
4 3

Recreational use of dog walkers in urban open space is one of the concerned issues by managers. There are complains from other visitors, such as unpicked feces, unleashed dogs, or threatening children. In this study, three different types of urban open space were chosen, then dog walkers' behaviors and their attitudes were surveyed. In the public park, dog walkers and other visitors were sharing same space and time. In the dog run, dog walkers took their dogs a few times a week, and let them run freely. In the exterior of one public facility, dog walkers took their dogs frequently to let them run freely. Consequently, this public space was used as if a dog run. To prevent the conflict between dog walkers and other visitors, manner training and some rules are needed, and besides various types of open spaces should be offered.


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こんな論文どうですか? 都市の緑地における犬連れ利用者の実態と意識(平成19年度日本造園学会全国大会研究発表論文集(25))(愛甲 哲也ほか),2007 https://t.co/Q9jSoB43RN

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