青野 正明
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.38, pp.39-74, 2008-07-25

This paper seeks to verify the author's theory about the logic of "State Shinto" (国家神道), whose main component was the worship of the ancestral goddess of Japan's Imperial House. Chosen-jingu (朝鮮神宮), founded in 1925, was one representative type of State Shinto, recognized as the top shrine symbolizing Ise-jingu (伊勢神宮) in colonial Korea. In the author's view, another type of State Shinto was that based on the logic of "Piety and Ancestor Worship" (敬神崇祖).In order to investigate this logic, the author analyzes the relationship between the two deities, Amaterasu-ohmikami (天照大神) and Kunitamano-ohkami (国魂大神). These were the two main deities designated for worship at the shrines promoted after 1936 to Kokuhei-shohsha (国幣小社), which ranked sixth among the nationally supported shrines. Amaterasu-ohmikami, as is well-known, is the ancestral goddess of Japan's Imperial House, while Kunitamano-ohkami was held up by the Japanese Government-General of Korea as the ancestral god of the Korean people.


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