奥冨 利幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.632, pp.2229-2234, 2008-10

In this paper, first I clarify the formation of the theory of theatrical reform and the state of construction of improved theaters that were based on reforms in theatrical performance. Then I consider the influences on architecture of the reform of theatrical performance. Through the question of the Imperial Theater performance (a reaction to the 1911 request for a Noh performance at the Imperial Theater), which was a debate in the world of Noh, I examine, through the opinions and dissatisfactions of relevant figures regarding Noh theaters, the influence of the reform theaters on Noh theaters.


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こんな論文どうですか? 帝劇出演問題にみる改良劇場と能楽堂の関係について(奥冨 利幸),2008 http://t.co/HDBe046nnb

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