安藤 元夫 寺川 政司 幸田 稔
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.513, pp.235-244, 1998-11-30 (Released:2017-02-02)
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The SHIMODERA-NITTO Improved Dwellings were built by a slum clearance program before World War II. They are the only buildings that still remain. The object of this study is first to place these dwellings as the historically important program in urban planning, and second to analyze the drastic changing of living space by extension, called "DASHIYA". This study made it clear that this dwellings were a model of housing policy in Osaka before the War, and that under the special restriction dwellers extended house for the purpose of improving the small house to adapt to changing of life style.
原戸 喜代里 大場 修
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.646, pp.2709-2715, 2009-12-30 (Released:2010-04-01)

After the Showa enthronement, the buildings used for the ceremony were granted to places all over Japan. Upon research of receivers it is found the buildings which still exist are mainly in religious facilities.This paper shows the analysis of how these buildings in religious facilities were converted.Through the process of conversion, features and meaning of granted buildings are shown here.
辻原 万規彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.671, pp.135-142, 2012-01-30 (Released:2012-03-05)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the structure of Hungnam district, North Korea, constructed by the Chosen Chisso Hiryo. Several new maps were made using old maps, aerial photos, materials and photographs owned by the Noguchi Institute. These new maps help to delineate the Hungnam district and its factory and company house complexes. Developing these materials contributes to our understanding of the former layout of the area.
城所 哲夫 蕭 閎偉 福田 崚
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.779, pp.149-159, 2021 (Released:2021-01-30)

This study aims at the verification of the hypothesis on the polarization to mega-city regions and urban divide with focus on gentrification in the Special Wards of Tokyo, Japan. Following the extensive literature review on gentrification, firstly, we analyzed the situation of gentrification and urban divide at the Ward level and applied the cluster analysis to further discuss the situation at a micro-level. Secondly, we shed light on the relation between local government policies on urban regeneration and gentrification in Tokyo and found strong relationship between them. The acceleration of the concentration of wealth to Tokyo is clearly observed in Japan since 2000s. In particular, the polarization of wealth as well as the highest income class to the central part of Tokyo is ever accelerating these days under the neoliberal urban policies. In the urban scale analysis in the Special Wards of Tokyo, situation of gentrification in the central city areas are obvious these days. On the other hands, the concentration of lower income households is observed in inner areas. Younger people of lower income tend to live in the west inner city areas while aged people with lower income tend to live in the north and east inner city areas. As a result, the urban divide in both social and spatial terms are observed. Yet, in inner city areas middle-class gentrification through the development of high-rise apartments/condominiums are also actively advancing and thus micro-level, mosaic-pattern spatial disparity is formed in inner city areas of Tokyo. Based on the analysis on the land use and urban redevelopment policies of Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the City Master Plans of 7 selected Wards (cities), it is found out that urban development/redevelopment policies at the Ward level are classified to the following 3 types: ‘large-scale urban redevelopment oriented type’, ‘incremental improvement oriented type’ and ‘hybrid type’. Wards located in the city center and its vicinity belong to the large-scale urban redevelopment-oriented type, while other Wards belong to other types based on their situations. The large-scale urban redevelopment-oriented policies naturally have high affinity to neoliberalism urban development/redevelopment policies. It follows that urban development/redevelopment polices in the Wards in the city center and its vicinity promote gentrification in those areas and thus bring about urban divide in Tokyo.
乾 康代
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.789, pp.2485-2494, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-11-01)

Tokai village is a home to the first commercial nuclear power plant in Japan. In Tokai village, Nuclear Power Plants are directly adjacent to residential districts. This study investigates the context of this situation by looking back around 1960 when the plants were built and clarifying the urban planning, development project ideas, and decision-making processes that were involved in the planning. The main findings of this analysis are listed below:   1) When the location of Japan’s first commercial nuclear power plant in Tokai village was being examined in the summer of 1959, the chairman of the Nuclear Power Commission, Nakasone Yasuhiro, attempted but ultimately failed to negotiate an act on nuclear power urban planning with the National Diet of Japan. To compensate for this lack of law, the Ibaraki Prefecture devised a basic plan for the construction of the plant in Tokai. However, Ibaraki Prefecture, which had designated Tokai as the site of the atomic center, completely watered down the intended regulations. 2) The Tokai Atomic Urban Development Prospectus was drafted in 1957, which was the document that the development project for the construction of the nuclear power center in Tokai Village. The Tokai Atomic Urban Development oversaw the development process, acquiring and managing sites for the companies advancing into Tokai Village, and managing the construction and administration of shared company facilities. 3) As for the location of the companies advancing into Tokai Village, sites close to railway station and national highway were secured to facilitate convenient transport. In addition, sites close to the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) were designated for employee residence housing. When the construction of the Tokai Power Station was approved in December 1959, the companies advancing into Tokai Village gained property rights over the sites it had acquired and managed, and the development of the village for the operation of the Tokai Power Station officially commenced. 4) Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) Inc. drafted the development plan, founded Tokai Atomic Urban Development, acquired and managed company sites, and constructed shared facilities. The Ibaraki Prefecture involved JAIF in making decisions on city plan of Tokai Village. Consequently, city plan was created in which the plan of JAIF was respected to the utmost, and residential area development proceeded around the site of Tokai Power Station.   The involvement of the JAIF in urban planning in Tokai village, together with the above-mentioned spirit of collaboration, led to the creation of a problematic plan, wherein locations around the plant were not zoned as industrial areas, the Tokai Power Station site was not zoned at all, and residential areas were surrounded by industrial areas on three sides.   The decision not to regulate the development of the areas surrounding the nuclear plant site has led to the current difficult situation whereby no regulations have been enacted to govern the advancing development.
上 なつき
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.716, pp.2355-2363, 2015 (Released:2015-11-11)

The order is to show the role on which women carry out a residence by reading ceremonious factor from the banquet of Yuan Xiao Jie of the annual event in “Jin Ping Mei”. Regarding the banquet of this annual event as a series of ceremonious acts by women in the each space in the residence, the series of ceremonious acts is a ceremony to pray a year's happiness. By completing this ceremony, women support the success of XimenQing and his family.
水漉 あまな 藤岡 洋保
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.63, no.503, pp.203-210, 1998-01-30 (Released:2017-02-02)

This Paper shows the kyoto's role in forming the Ancient Shrines and Temples Preservation Act(1897) was decisive. To help recover Kyoto's economy, since 1881 Kyoto had been trying to preserve old edifices in its shrines and temples as its symbols. But for lack of sufficient fund, Kyoto began to carry on a campaign to form a national law to preserve those old edifices; Kyoto even proposed a preservation bill referring to the ones abroad and ask other prefectures to join the campaign. Kyoto's propositions were introduced in some articles of the Act.
石橋 登 谷口 汎邦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.635, pp.41-50, 2009-01-30 (Released:2009-11-02)

The Study clarified how neighbourhood amenities are located following their spontaneous emergence in a suburban residential area developed through land readjustment projects. The main findings of the Study are listed below.1) The scope of the development of neighbourhood amenities by a private developer is limited as the emphasis is placed on profit-making amenities.2) In a situation where the locationing of neighbourhood amenities is left to spontaneous emergence, there is a tendency for such amenities to be clustered around a railway station.3) The unit number of neighbourhood amenities shows secular changes while reflecting the characteristics of individual zones.
村上 しほり 大場 修 砂本 文彦 玉田 浩之 角 哲 長田 城治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.739, pp.2441-2450, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

This paper aims to clarify the GHQ military disposition which changed rapidly and nationwide location of Dependent Housing (army family house) and the numerical transformation process in the occupied Japan by the U.S. document. Soon after Japanese people had begun to convert the building stock which was left after WWII, occupation forces were stationed in each place and began the requisition. The occupation forces requisitioned the building which was judged to be available locally in the short term and they rehabilitate it and used. D.H. was built approximately 12,000 houses, and about 70% was built newly in Japan. The construction of D.H. was hurried, and because material was short, it was often supplied in black markets. And, by grasp of the numerical transformation process of D.H., the different requisition situation and situation of distribution became clear in each district. 9 districts where there were dependents more than 200 households as of June 1, 1948 are as follows in decreasing order. Tokyo, Yokohama area, Tachikawa, Osaka area, Kobe, Johnson, Yokota, Nagoya area, Kyoto. It's that there was the large-scale new construction enlargement is more than 50 in there having been enlargement in 8 districts in 12 districts belonging to the 5th Air Force, 5 districts (Nagoya, Tachikawa, Johnson, Itazuke, Itami) of those to understand from the numerical changes from June 1948 to October 1950. Enlargement was not seen in the district that belonged to the 11th AirBorn Division (Sapporo, Hachinohe, Jinmachi), the 1st Cavarly Division (Asaka, Nagai, Ota, Omiya), BCOF (Etajima, Miho, Hofu, Fukuyama), Navy (Totsuka), the 5thA/F (Kisarazu, Chitose, Kanoya) and the 24th Infantry Division (Kumamoto, Beppu). From the number of new construction and rehabilitation and the numerical transformation, it was inferred that the situation peculiar to the occupied area had an influence on the judgment of the requisition and the D.H. construction. Procurement demands of the occupation forces disturbed inflection of building stock of the city space attacked by the war damage. It's the fact that we can't overlook in thinking about after the war of each city. The requisition house rebuilt as a general tendency became the derequisition earlier than new construction. The new D.H. has many examples removed with the return of the requisition, and there are many still uncertain points because there is little number of the existence. In this study, it was clarified that correlation of military unit deployment and D.H. of the occupation forces by the cross-reference of records of the both Japan and the United States. The result of this study will make the base that pushes forward the study on history of city and building in each occupied area.
李 明 石丸 紀興
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.628, pp.1395-1402, 2008-06-30 (Released:2009-09-30)

Considering the appearance and the change process of the postwar black market in front of Hiroshima station, we are going to give new information about a station square adjustment, redevelopment and revitalization project. Right after World War II, black markets were appeared in many urban cities in Japan, as well as Hiroshima, especially in front of the Hiroshima station there was a bustling big scale black market. Even though Hiroshima was atomic bombed, people were doing business in the black market and it effected very much to revitalization of Hiroshima. Although this hasn't mentioned so much until now, it is indispensable to talk about the restoration process of Hiroshima. Considering the station square black market in Hiroshima is not only important to thinking about the restoration process of war damage in atomic bombed city Hiroshima but also it can give you the important information to having a grasp of the history of Japanese war damage restoration more in general.
〓 〓晧 若山 滋
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.643, pp.2139-2147, 2009-09-30 (Released:2010-01-22)

The purpose of this study is to examine the social aspects of Korea in the 1930s by analyzing the urban and architectural spaces described in the literatures of two Korean novelists, “Tae-won PARK” and “Sang LEE”. We used the following three methods. First, we classified the architectural terms used in the literatures into 9 categories and analyzed their usage frequency in order to find the trend in architectural style within them. Second, we divided the background stages appearing in the literatures into six distinctive spatial categories based on their architectural usage and analyzed the relation between these spaces and the Korean colonial period. Third, we grouped the architectural terms together with the characters and stories described on each stage into six spatial categories and examined the spatial aspects by those constitutive keywords and then, analyzed the spatial meaning veiled in these spaces. From the spatial images obtained after the analysis, we were able to understand about the structure of modern Korean society in the 1930s.
河井 優 後藤 春彦 吉江 俊
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.808, pp.1939-1949, 2023-06-01 (Released:2023-06-01)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the concerns for the living environment among residents and people who are considering to purchase the new housings. The paper discussed the nature and exclusivity of people’s unique behavior in relation to the living environment of Tokyo, based on the following three points of analysis; 1) Concern for the living environment in Tokyo wards area, 2) Geographical characters of the concerns, 3) Background of the formation of concerns and discussions.
野中 勝利
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.650, pp.837-842, 2010-04-30 (Released:2010-06-14)
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This paper covers the reconstruction of three castle towers from the Warring States period, each at the summit of a steep precipice. In Gifu the reconstruction was done by a local historical preservation organization. It is a simple permanent structure built using scrap lumber. In spite of criticism, the foundation was also rebuilt. In Sumoto a modern ferroconcrete structure on pilings for the lower level was built as a rest area and observation platform. The reconstruction in Ueshi was privately financed by the Nanjo family. All three are simple structures that don't attempt to accurately reproduce the original castle towers.
山田 悟史 吉川 優矢 大山 智基 大内 宏友 及川 清昭
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.692, pp.2163-2172, 2013-10-30 (Released:2014-07-10)
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This study aims to construct a visualization method for understanding the effects of a helicopter emergency medical service. The effects will be calculated for the time that elapses before medical action is initiated. To calculate the elapsed time, the distance between each points will be measured using a geographic information system while considering geographical factors. The effects will also be investigated from visual and quantitative perspectives while considering the population of the study area. The proposed method will be examined from the viewpoints of the rendezvous point and emergency hospital acting as helicopter bases.
服部 敦 宮道 喜一 小阪 亘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.88, no.807, pp.1603-1614, 2023-05-01 (Released:2023-05-01)

The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate regional plans in Okinawa designed by Atelier Zo. By comparing the plans of the three regions, Onna, Nago and Nakijin, with each other, it becomes clear that these plans have characteristic concepts and methods. By verificating the process of establishing these plans, it will be clarified that human connection was a major factor in establishing them. From these verifications, we gain a perspective for future regional planning and assessing heritage of a series of plans.
高橋 俊也 渡辺 菊眞 布野 修司
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.74, no.637, pp.635-641, 2009-03-30 (Released:2009-11-24)

The purpose of this study is to consider the spatial quality of the environment around cemeteries in Kyoto based on the analysis of the transformation process of urban space on Rendaino area. Since the ancient times, ‘Rendaino’ which located in the urban periphery had been a funeral area on the hillside of Mt.Hidaridaimonji. Rendaino area was very different from the inner urban area of Kyoto in terms of spatial and cultural quality, but those two areas have long been interrelated with each other. Rendaino area, where many cemeteries, ancient tumbs, shrines and temples are located in had been greatly changed with the process of so-called modernization from Meiji Restoration. This paper clarifies the changing process of land uses of Rendaino area based on the field survey. This paper concludes that the environmental changes around cemeteries, ancient tumb, shrines and temples brought the deterioration of spatial quality of Rendaino area.
石榑 督和 木村 真慧 伊藤 裕久
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.87, no.795, pp.936-946, 2022-05-01 (Released:2022-05-01)

This thesis clarifies the spatial structure of the Shinsei-shotengai and the transition of its operators based on the historical documents left behind by Yoshimura Shokai, the company that built and leased the market. Looking at the construction process of the Shinsei-shotengai and its relationship with land ownership, it became clear that Yoshimura Shokai, the builder of the Shinsei-shotengai, was in charge of adjusting the relationship of rights. The characteristic wooden building with strip windows was read from a structural perspective. We found that 60% of the tenants in the Shinsei-shotengai had been replaced in less than three years.
北原 玲子 大月 敏雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.698, pp.873-882, 2014-04-30 (Released:2014-07-15)

In this study, by taking up the Bangladesh nationality foreign resident as an ethnic group's example, it has aimed to clarify the influence on living environment of Kita-ku, Tokyo from concentrated foreign residents, with a research on the tendency of foreign residents' concentrated area, the relationship of concentrated foreign residents and their housing, the measure of local government in a concentrated area, and the housing and living condition of foreign residents in Kita-ku, Tokyo. The Bangladesh nationality foreign residents have concentrated on public housing like UR rental housing in Kita-ku. At the same time, the expansion of living facilities based on food, clothing and religion culture of Bangladesh has taken place in the surrounding area. Since foreign residents' concentrated area may progress further from now on, the understanding and preemptive move to the foreign residents of local government and housing manager are needed in order to prevent the chain of the spatial and social segregation, which has happened at other receiving countries.
泉川 時 後藤 春彦 吉江 俊 森田 椋也
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.87, no.795, pp.842-853, 2022-05-01 (Released:2022-05-01)

The purpose of this project is to examine the transformation of shrines that have progressed with re-urbanization and to discuss the issues of shrines at the turning point by clarifying the spatial change and development process through a survey of shrines that have been developed under the initiative of the private sector in Tokyo ward area. Through the research, it was clarified that the shrines have progressed due to the unique development, changes in visitors’ behavior, and the creation of new value. On the contrary, the relationship between the various powers surrounding the shrine was found to be unbalanced.