遠藤 晶 花木 沙織
武庫川女子大学紀要. 人文・社会科学編 (ISSN:09163115)
vol.55, pp.31-39, 2007

It is the most important for little children that using their whole bodies,they imitate somethingand express freely their selves with various kinds of rhythm.We continue to create works of body expression and introduce those to teachers in a nurseryschool or a kindergarten. So we should know how they put the work into practice and consider whatfactors give little children good effects through enjoying body expression.We give a concrete example for discussion. We created a work,"Wish fine day tomorrow",forwhich we got the idea from daily children lives.Little 62 children,four years old,could be enjoying our work in the athletic festival of their kindergarten.We could see,by cooperation of the kindergarten,how they performed it as their ownexpressions and what influences they could have in their daily lives after their experiences.Then,we consider teaching materials of body expression and how to teach them.


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こんな論文どうですか? 運動会における表現遊びの実践 : 身体表現遊び「あした 天気にな〜れ」の構成内容の検討(遠藤 晶ほか),2007 http://t.co/aA2HmYsxbF
こんな論文どうですか? 運動会における表現遊びの実践 : 身体表現遊び「あした 天気にな〜れ」の構成内容の検討(遠藤 晶ほか),2007 http://t.co/aA2HmYsxbF
こんな論文どうですか? 運動会における表現遊びの実践 : 身体表現遊び「あした 天気にな〜れ」の構成内容の検討(遠藤 晶ほか),2007 http://t.co/usv8me0Kwm

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