森山 徳長
日本歯科医史学会会誌 (ISSN:02872919)
vol.13, no.4, pp.183-188, 1987-08-25

The present author surveyed the bibliography of the first English book on dentistry, i.e. Charles Allen's "The Operator for the Teeth", and its background, the gild of barber surgeons of York and undertook its Japanese translation. Hurlock's second book in England had been evaluated by the dental historians as the second English book devoted exclusively to the difficult dentition of infants, and was consequently the first book on pedodontics throughout the world. The source of reference to this book is very scarce. Only a short comment by Guerini and Weinberger were known to us, and nothing else. Therefore, the present author studied the facsimile edition of this rare treatise, and clarified in some detail the history of the study of the bibliography of this book as to the author, the description on the title page, references cited in this book, and the content of this rare volume. Further the history of "the lancing the gum" as a therapeutic measure for the difficult dentition in infants was briefly commented. As the present author reported, this problem had been treated by as ancient as Greco-Roman medical writers, however, Ambroise Pare wrote on this method first, and such authors as Walter Harris, Lorenz Heister and Hurlock's contemporary, Pierre Fauchard; and later, as well as Jourdain and John Hunter recommended "Lancing the gum" in case of difficult dentition. However, the opposition by Wichmann, and later Sterenberg terminated this controversy. The anodine necklace, which was in vogue in the 16th century as seen in the description of "Zene Artzney", was also discussed in Hurlock's work, and was commented briefly by the present author.


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こんな論文どうですか? 英語で書かれた第2番目の歯科医学書ジョーゼフ・ハーロック著"A Practical Treatise on Dentition"について(森山 徳長),1987 https://t.co/N1bGnvB3LI
こんな論文どうですか? 英語で書かれた第2番目の歯科医学書ジョーゼフ・ハーロック著"A Practical Treatise on Dentition"について(森山 徳長),1987 https://t.co/N1bGnvjsn8
こんな論文どうですか? 英語で書かれた第2番目の歯科医学書ジョーゼフ・ハーロック著"A Practical Treatise on Dentition"について(森山 徳長),1987 https://t.co/IwlaxhGNbS
こんな論文どうですか? 英語で書かれた第2番目の歯科医学書ジョーゼフ・ハーロック著"A Practical Treatise on Dentition"について(森山 徳長),1987 http://t.co/zTCEWLvnEB
こんな論文どうですか? 英語で書かれた第2番目の歯科医学書ジョーゼフ・ハーロック著"A Practical Treatise on Dentition"について(森山 徳長),1987 http://t.co/s7uzKwTR

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