松島 和男 廣瀬 敏也 関根 道昭 谷口 哲夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.75, no.751, pp.535-537, 2009

It is mandatory to apply a pressure relief device (PRD) on the Fuel cell vehicles to avoid explosion of high pressure hydrogen gas container when a vehicle explore to be on fire. Several hydrogen release tests were carried out to understand how the released hydrogen behaves in a vehicle fire. These tests are to analyze the release way of PRD as below. 1) The range of flame, flame temperature and the time of release when PRD effused hydrogen gas in upward direction, in downward direction, and in horizontal direction respectively. 2) The diffusion way of released hydrogen gas. 3) The effect of diffusion box which was assumed to decrease the hydrogen concentration and flow rate. The results showed that it should be avoided to release directly hydrogen gas into the air in the horizontal direction


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