飯野 彩可
東京女子大学言語文化研究 (ISSN:09187766)
vol.16, pp.1-17, 2007

This thesis is a study about a meaning of "Akkerakan", "Koremiyogashi", and "Iromegane". I investigated 231 women students at the university in the metropolitan area. I considered the individual differences of meaning recognition and the change of meaning by comparing the meaning of the words with dictionaries. The results are as follows. "Akkerakan" means (1) To be stunned after amazement, (2) Calm, (3) Frank, (4) Desolate space, (5) Absentmindedness. "Koremiyogashi" means (1) Showing off, (2) Taking the opportunity, etc. "Iromegane" means (1) Glasses with color/Sunglasses, (2) Having prejudice and a preconception, (3) Communicating with the opposite sex in a sexual meaning, etc. Because there were some meanings that were not in the dictionary, I was able to find a meaning change. In addition, I have found the change of meaning is caused by the following. It is a deviation from an original meaning. It is an expanded meaning. It is a misunderstanding because of a similar pronunciation to another word. It became an imitative word with a different meaning.


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こんな論文どうですか? 現代語の意味認識に関する調査研究 : 「あっけらかん」,「これみよがし」,「いろめがね」について(飯野 彩可ほか),2007 http://t.co/gDB14E0wgX

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