立岩 一恵 冨室 光司 山内 章史
ペストロジー学会誌 (ISSN:09167382)
vol.12, no.1, pp.31-34, 1997-09-25

Two kinds of marketed spices, cayenne-pepper powder (Shichimi-togarashi) and curry powder (Kare-ko), were tested as food for Indian meal moth larvae, Plodia interpunctella (H.). When eggs were introduced into newly purchased spices, no larvae developed. Even young 5th instar larvae placed on the spices could not develop, and died, in the newly purchased spices. After one or two months of air-exposed aging of the newly purchased spices, however, about 50% of introduced eggs (hatching larvae) grew, pupated, or emerged into adults in cayennepepper powder containers, but no larvae developed in the curry powder containers yet. After 6 months of aging of the newly purchased curry powder, one of 30 introduced 5th instar larvae could emerge into an adult. These results suggest that the newly purchased spices contained some factor(s) killing Indian meal moth larvae, and the factor(s) would fade out during the aging periods of the spices under the air-exposed conditions.


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