幾留 秀一 山根 正気
南九州地域科学研究所所報 (ISSN:09110275)
vol.25, pp.1-8, 2009

Faunal survey of ants, wasps and bees was conducted on Take-shima, Mi-shima group, Northern Ryukyus, Japan, in 2007. In total 36 species belonging to 26 genera were collected. Among them 14 ant, 3 wasp and 12 bee species are new to this island. Additional data for the aculeate fauna of Iwo-jima was presented based on the 2007 survey. A revised list of Aculeata from Take-shima, and a comprehensive list of Aculeata for the three Mi-shima islands are presented. Some biological and bio-geographical notes are given for the aculeate fauna of the Mi-shima group.


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こんな論文どうですか? 竹島の有剣ハチ・アリ類(膜翅目)(幾留 秀一ほか),2009 http://t.co/tb1h3iYJNs Faunal su…
こんな論文どうですか? 竹島の有剣ハチ・アリ類(膜翅目)(幾留 秀一ほか),2009 http://t.co/tb1h3iYJNs Faunal su…

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