松園 潤一朗
人文 (ISSN:18817920)
vol.8, pp.268-248, 2009-03

室町幕府の安堵の特徴として当知行安堵の実施が挙げられる。本稿では、安堵の様式の変化や発給手続について検討を加える。 南北朝時代以来、幕府の安堵は譲与・相伝等、所領・所職の相続・移転に基づく安堵が中心であったが、応永年間(一三九四〜一四二八)以降、特に足利義持執政期の応永二〇年代には当知行安堵の事例が増加し、応永二九年(一四二二)の追加法で当知行安堵の原則が定められる。安堵の事例を見ると、この原則は足利義教執政期以降にも継続している。また、足利義政期には当知行所領について当主が相続人を指名して安堵を受ける事例が増加する。 安堵の発給は、申請者の所持する証文に基づくことが多く、特に代々将軍の安堵の所持が重視された。室町時代には、寺社宛を中心に、目録に記載された当知行所領を安堵する事例が見られる。 当知行安堵の実施は、当知行保護の重視という室町幕府の所領政策の全体的な変化を反映したものと位置づけられる。In the medieval period of Japan,the authorities confirmed the land titles of the feudal lords, shrines, temples, and so on. This was called ando(安堵). This paper explicates the Muromachi shogunate's ando by examinating the style of its document. Earlier studies have already pointed out that ando based on the beneficiary's possession(called tochigyo(当知行)) is characteristic of the ando of the Muromachi shogunate. I attempt to make clear when its character appeaered, and how the Muromachi shogunate issued ando. The conclusion reached is that, since the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, ando had been issued in cases of succession or transfer of land, but in the Muromachi period, especially from the 20s of the Ouei era, ando came to be based on possession. In the process of issuing ando, the Muromachi shogunate regarded as important that the beneficiary had the former ando which had been issued by the Muromachi shogunate. This change style in ando means the Muromachi shogunate switched its policy to protect the order of possession.


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