大西 斎
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.46, no.2, pp.17-31, 2010-05-15

The "Act on Procedures for Amendment of the Constitution", which clarifies the procedure for amendment of the Constitution, was proclaimed on 14 May 2007, and will be put into force on 18 May 2010, after three years of deferment. The hitherto absence of any law on the procedure for amendments to the Constitution stipulated in the Article 96 of the Constitution, is due to omission by the legislature, an indication that the principle of popular sovereignty had been slighted. The implementation of the' Act on Procedures for Amendment of the Constitution' is, therefore of great significance. On the other hand, there remain many challenges. In this report, we consider, from the legal point of view one of the most important issues among the challenges: 'the referendum movement by civil servants and educators'. Analysis is made, with attention paid to trends in judicial precedents, based on the 'freedom of expression' as defined in Article 21 of the Constitution.


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こんな論文どうですか? 「日本国憲法の改正手続に関する法律」における国民投票運動についての法的一考察 : 公務員・教育者の政治活動の禁止を主眼として(大西 斎),2010 http://id.CiNii.jp/gOUoL

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